Thursday, August 02, 2007

Miss Me Miss Me Now You Gotta Kiss Me

Goin' away, kids. Most likely not bloggin' at Cuba Lake unless some internet savvy type decides to be "connected" while we're all trying to get "unplugged." I'm going to resist the urge to connect to you, dear readers, as I'm on what Europeans call "vacation," but if I get a chance to say hello, I'll holler.

I love you, everone--please enjoy this last blast of summer, ayite? Now get the fuck out of here already!


Sans Pantaloons said...


Jen said...

have fun!


Abbi Crutchfield said...

Europeans call it, "Holidays".

Spaniards call it, "Baka-SEE-oh-nays"

I call it, "Having a beer on a couch watching Dr. Phil."

Teri said...

we'll miss you terribly, Anne!

Have a great time.

Anonymous said...

Hi again Anne,

Just wanted to remind you that today is the last day of voting for Bestest Blog of the Year, and there are definitely still quite a few blogs within striking distance for the fame and glory (and $50 cash prize!).

EXCLUSIVE results will be featured on my new (and improved!) blog,, 8AM EST on Tuesday morning. Voting for new "Best Blog of the Days" has already begun and the first winner (based entirely on your votes) will be picked Wednesday (and every) morning at 8AM (again at Bestest Blog). Get in the running by joining the Blankest Blank Blog Directory...over 100 have already, and we haven't even handed out any awards yet!!

We'll also be having daily results (again based on your nominations and votes) for Funniest Video, Funniest Picture, Funniest Joke, and Most Fun Game every day at 10AM, 12PM, 2PM, and 4PM respectively.

I hope you'll stop by and leave a comment some time, we've got lots of exciting stuff on the horizon!