Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Sure, That's Lame But Look on the Bright Side

I realize a poor dude at the wrong place at the wrong time was tragically injured while riding in a truck which plummeted into a crater over steam pipe which exploded on Lexington Avenue and 41st Street a few weeks ago, but I gotta tell you, it's been nice and quiet around here since they closed the streets off, finally. Once they open up full-on traffic to the public again, I'm gonna have to endure the incessant rumbling of Mack Trucks barreling down the street at full speed, and no offense, but this respite has been pretty fuckin' wonderful. How's about we consider Bloomberg's idea to tax incoming cars and whatnot? HEY IT WORKED IN LONDON FOR CRYIN' OUT LOUD!?!?!?

1 comment:

Matt Sears said...

Then you'll have to pay a Silence Tax.