Wednesday, February 06, 2008

New England Lost Ski Area Project

Hogback Mountain, Vermont

We weren't a traditional ski family growing up, but I was raised in New England, like to ski and I love history, so it's no surprise that Bill Pennington's article in the Escapes Section of the January 25th New York Times featuring the New England Lost Ski Area of particular interest to me. NELSAP is a project created by Jeremy Davis nine years ago which collects, preserves and, according to the website, "celebrates the history of 587 lost ski areas in New England and 71 elsewhere!" Changing times and disappearing places are a fact of life, but thankfully Jeremy Davis was thoughtful enough to document stuff before it's forgotten forever.


Moderator said...

Hogback Mountain? Sounds like a really weird porno.

whipcreamy said...

that is so cool! i used to ski at boston hills, listed in the massachusetts section...