Saturday, October 06, 2007

Red Sox Beat the Angels 6-3

With an amazing 9th inning 3-run walk off homie by Manny Ramirez! Let's celebrate!

In other news, the Yankees lost to the Indians again. Wahhhh....wahhhhh...womp.


Nina Paley said...

Yuki sure is cute.

glittermom said...

Manny use to belong to us Indians...Aren't you proud that we beat them old Yankees 1st two games? How come your not a Yankee fan? You live in NY...

anne altman said...

born in nyc, but raised in fenway.

newbluebaby said...

I made a bet with my cousins in Denver and as of last night I owe them Yuengling and Tastycakes. I could have been worse. If the Phills won I was getting Rocky Mountian Oysters. I didn't know what they really were either.