Friday, February 29, 2008
Spankees Turn Into Rapists, Yo
The article doesn't say crap about beating brats with beating machines, so... beat away. Enjoy.
Braddock, PA
Happy Leap Year!
Speaking of Leap Year babies, my dear friend Doug Moot turns 11 today.
Happy Birthday, Mooty! Only ten more years until your first drink. Think you can wait?
Guess not.
Happy Birthday!
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Beer? Drugs? Cafe? Beer? I'm There!
We're in a "Slowdown?"
Per The Onion, "Bush Vows to Make It Up To Country Somehow."

Tuesday, February 26, 2008
The Whitest Kids U' Know: Timmy Williams
Timmy Williams, everybody. Timmy says, "Once you break it down to the basics, there's really only two life paths that a person can follow: The Happy Retard or The Heartbroken Genius."
I dunno. I think Timmy's a combo of the happy genius kind, but only he really knows. (And clearly I'm a heartbroken tard.) Check out his his blog, Robot Armageddon for chicken nuggets* and info about Timmy, his troupe The Whitest Kids U'Know, his show The Kingdom of Heaven with John F. O'Donnell or his talent for hosting/singing karaoke.
*There's no info about chicken nuggets but I figured there could be.
Word to the Wise
You know they're gonna be bad.
No reason to take one when you're feeling like you're coming down with a cold, right?
I got mine taken today regardless. Clearly it was a mistake.
I'm having them retaken tomorrow.
Saturday, February 23, 2008
To Whom it May Concern (read: Doodle)
Sure, I had a few drinks last night after work and returned home in sloppy shape, but I do distinctly remember taking off two diamond hoop earrings and placing them on the bookcase with the other jewelry I removed before retiring. Why, then, did I awake to a ring on the floor, and only one earring on the bookcase? Surely you have enough toys to kick around the joint--jingle balls, super balls, milk top thingies, Q-tips, etc. Did you really need a toy encrusted in diamonds? Couldn't you have messed around with one of the red plastic pair of hoops from Claire's that I just got? I mean, honestly? Seriously? WHERE THE FUCK IS MY EARRING?
Thursday, February 21, 2008
A Parenting Story
Mommy: What?
Kid: I asked you if we could get Lady & the Tramp when they were selling it, and now it's not for sale.
Mommy: You did? Well, what'd I say?
Kid: You told me to "get a life."
Mommy: I did?
Kid: Yeah.
Mommy: Oh. Sorry about that.
Weird Wedding Photos Part MVLMMVMCLM
We realize and embrace the beauty of the Over 50 Woman--you're gorgeous!
However, we can't condone your choice of strapless---let alone sleeveless-- gowns:
Unless, of course, you were looking to distract the eye from the bride and groom on their most very special day with your respective flubberous, blubberous upper arm festivals--and if that's the case, you've surely succeeded. Brava, ladies!
Us, the Sighted People of the Public
So You Say You Want to Kill and Dismember Your Wife
- In a fresh chopped grill feast for your dog
- In Liza Minelli's pants
- In a container in your garage
Two Dirty Looks Down From a Dozen
I realize you're getting off, a-hole, but there's nowhere to move, and I'm also getting off at this stop, so why don't you calm down and don't worry about it, okay?
I am disturbed by just how much I would enjoy shoving that iPhone/Blackberry/Trio device up your ass.
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Heidi's Really Into Heidi...
Click here for Heidi's wedding tips, and click here for a shot from her wedding, where she's super into it. Guess which one's the horse?
Anne's A-Hole Things to Say
- "I'm really into fitness."
- "I'm like, super into fitness and stuff."
- "It's just that I'm all about fitness."
If you're looking for an obnoxious way to distance yourself from friends, family, and just about everyone you come into contact with, including yourself, feel free to use any of those lines. It's a a tad more obnoxious than what I used to say:
- "I'm really into drugs."
- "I'm like, super into drugs and stuff."
- "It's just that I'm all about drugs."
Feel free to tweak the phrase by adding the noun of your choice:
- "I'm really into blogs."
- "I'm like, super into blogs and stuff."
- "It's just that I'm all about blogs."
One gets pretty much the same a-hole result. Enjoy!
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Anne's New Standards & Practices
Kick Ass Dog of the Week: Faith

I don't know if I'm voting so much on HOPE this time (2004 dashed all illusions of "hope") as I'm voting on "Can we just get the current a-holes out of the White House already so we can stop the hemoraging and make room for more a moderate a-hole whom preferably isn't yet another white dude?"
Monday, February 18, 2008
Before You Bitch About That Cube Again
Here's your cube, with your ubiquitous pics of your strange looking spawn, your various Post-It notes, certificates, office supplies. Check.

Here's a shot of the crap under your desk. Nothing unusual, ok. Check.

Here's a closeup of your weird kid again, this time on your monitor, cleverly surrounded with "Sign Here" flags. Check.

Sure, just your average office cube, except that your back is to 74th and Broadway, and everybody knows your business. Including me and my friend DeeAnne:

So a Strange Dude Says to Me on the Street
Friday, February 15, 2008
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Happy Valentine's Day, People!

If you MUST send an e-card, send the very best:
Got Live Music? Salazar

Checked out a groovy band called Salazar a few weeks ago at Club Midway on Avenue B. Salazar's got jam band feel, an indy rock flavor, and songs with thoughtful lyrics to boot. Plus, they've got a keyboardist, yo! Who doesn't love the trippy sounds from a keyboard? Only a jerk. Read about their debut album, Cinemetocracy here.
Drums & Vocals - John Federico
Bass & Vocals - Jesse Greendyk
Vocals & Guitar - Nate Gowtham
Piano & Keys - Michael Kester
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Mortified's Comix Debut: Mortifyingly Amazing!
And last but not least, pictured below is my co-producer Brandy Barber, whom also read from her diary and penned the infamous line (one of several), "Ugly bitch Jamie* has her finger up her ass & hopefully she'll die!"
*name changed to protect the ass fingerer

Monday, February 11, 2008
Sunday, February 10, 2008
Beholder Art

Mike Monteiro
"Untitled (pussy)"
gouache on paper
14" x 11"$150.00
Affordable emerging art from
Saturday, February 09, 2008
Meet You in Hell

What else am I doing this weekend in between meals of toaster oven pizza crammed into my piehole whilst standing at the kitchen counter? Well, reading this fascinating book, as a matter of fact. Check it.
Meet You in Hell by Les Standiford
The 1979 Seldom Scene: Rider
Members of the 1979 Seldom Scene: John Duffey (Mandolin), Ben Eldridge (Banjo), Mike Auldridge (Dobro), Phil Rosenthal (Guitar), & Tom Gray (Bass)
Seldom Scene's "SCENEchronized" is nominated for 2008 GRAMMY - Best Bluegrass Album
Friday, February 08, 2008
Spirit Air's Crazy Ronnie Sale! Expires Tonight!
Do you like to go places? Do you like to fly to get there? Have you no money? Then you need to check out Crazy Ronnie! Fares as low as $9? He's craaaaazy!
Here's a sampling of Spirit Air Crazy Ronnie flights which leave from LaGuardia Airport in NYC:
New York (LaGuardia) To:
$9 Fare Club (You must be logged into the $9 Fare Club to access these fares.)
Myrtle Beach
$19* Each Way
3/1, 3/4, 3/10, 3/16, 3/17, 3/22, 3/23, 3/24, 3/31
Non-Member Sale Fares (These great fares are available for everyone!)
For travel between 2/21/08 and 5/21/08
Tuesdays and Wednesdays
Mondays and Thursdays
$59* Each Way
$69* Each Way
Myrtle Beach
$69* Each Way
$88* Each Way
Fort Lauderdale
$74* Each Way
$88* Each Way
Freeport, Bahamas
$79* Each Way
$99* Each Way
Las Vegas
$99* Each Way
$109* Each Way
Los Angeles (LAX)
$99* Each Way
$109* Each Way
Nassau, Bahamas
$99* Each Way
$109* Each Way
San Juan, Puerto Rico
$99* Each Way
$119* Each Way
Cancun, Mexico
$104* Each Way
$129* Each Way
Kingston, Jamaica
$109* Each Way
$129* Each Way
Montego Bay, Jamaica
$109* Each Way
$129* Each Way
Punta Cana, DR
$109* Each Way
$129* Each Way
St. Thomas, US Virgin Islands
$109* Each Way
$129* Each Way
Santo Domingo, DR
$119* Each Way
$139* Each Way
Anne's Exciting Weekend

York, PA.
Photo by Simon
Did You Know?

I found it on while searching for faux food products. Why?
Well, today at lunch, I discovered that those over-stuffed sandwiches that they have on display at Subway are fakes. True story. I pulled the cover off of the thing and poked at it. Plastic lettuce, plastic meat, plastic olives. Makes sense, how could that stacked up meat parade stay so fresh all day long? Fake sandwich.
I want one.
Thursday, February 07, 2008
Happy Year of the Rat!

"A Rat Year is a time of hard work, activity, and renewal. This is a good year to begin a new job, get married, launch a product or make a fresh start. Ventures begun now may not yield fast returns, but opportunities will come for people who are well prepared and resourceful. The best way for you to succeed is to be patient, let things develop slowly, and make the most of every opening you can find. People born in an Earth Rat are said to be logical realists, shrewd, charming, ambitious, and inventive. Of course, the entire horoscope must be considered when making any personality assessment."
What are you?

Wednesday, February 06, 2008
New England Lost Ski Area Project
We weren't a traditional ski family growing up, but I was raised in New England, like to ski and I love history, so it's no surprise that Bill Pennington's article in the Escapes Section of the January 25th New York Times featuring the New England Lost Ski Area of particular interest to me. NELSAP is a project created by Jeremy Davis nine years ago which collects, preserves and, according to the website, "celebrates the history of 587 lost ski areas in New England and 71 elsewhere!" Changing times and disappearing places are a fact of life, but thankfully Jeremy Davis was thoughtful enough to document stuff before it's forgotten forever.
The Rejection Show's Valentine's Day Heartbreak Haven Returns!
FEBRUARY 14, 2008
8PM - 1AM
Upright Citizen's Brigade Theater
307 West 26th Street
Between 8th and 9th Avenue
The cult-favorite live comedy series The Rejection Show and Mortified join forces for an evening of their best breakup, heartbreak and love related performances from shows past ---blending into and evening of love song karaoke, live music, DJ, free drinks and partying.
If you’re single, feeling alone, rejected, don’t have a date or don’t like traditional Valentine’s Day routines then The Upright Citizen’s Brigade Theater is the place to be on Valentine’s Day ‘08!
Don't feel left out, happy couples. All are welcome to party and see some hilariously heartbreaking performances and join the fun.
"Find someone to french!"
Featuring HEARTBREAKING fast performances from:
Jon Friedman
Claudia Cogan
Adam Wade
Sara Schaefer
Annabelle Gurwitch
Katina Corrao
Adrianne Frost
Matt Goldich
Michelle Collins
Greg Johnson
Baron Vaughn
Mandy Stadtmiller
Meital Dohan
Gabriel Delahaye
Brandy Barber
Kaet Perna
Anne Altman
& More!
(one ticket for the whole night)
What is The Rejection Show?
The Rejection Show is a comedic based event that embraces the rejected and "turned down" material of professional and amateur writers, comedians, cartoonists, artists, and human beings whom display their creative “failures” live on stage.
What is Mortified?
Mortified is a comic excavation of teen angst artifacts (journals, letters, poems, lyrics, home movies, stories and more) as shared by their original authors before total strangers.
Would you like to see The Rejection Show
and other Tremendous Rabbit Productions
at your venue or college?
Contact Jon Friedman to find out how.
"For most people, rejection means a bottle of Jack and a pint of Ben & Jerry’s. But for one comedic genius, rejection has meant a cult hit show, national recognition, and now --a book deal? Rejected: Tales of the Failed, Dumped & Cancelled author Jon Friedman first gave life to The Rejection Show after he found himself passed over for a job at Comedy Central and, worse, dumped. Since then the invariably hilarious lineup of rejected New Yorker comics, Late Show sketches, and dismissive childhood sweethearts has featured a variety of New York personalities. Check out the failures and the mayhem if you are sucker for bloopers and outtakes, or just revel in others’ disappointments." -NEW YORK MAGAZINE
"On the surface, The Rejection Show is a mere demonstration of unsuccessful work by usually successful comedians, writers, filmmakers, and cartoonists. Deep down, though, it provides an interesting look into the thought processes of magazine editors, network executives, and others who wield power."
"If The New Yorker has rejected your cartoon, if 'SNL' has fired you, if Conan doesn't think you're funny enough, host Jon Friedman just might. The Rejection Show is a pastiche of writers and actors who didn't make the cut, and its cult audience can't imagine why."
"Who knew being shown the door could be so much fun..."
"The Rejection Show has gotten so much mainstream press that we suspect people are purposefully botching the pitches they care most about, and then "settling"
for showing them off here."
"The highlight is watching the performers vibe off the audience's laughter, turning what could've been a negative into the ultimate live validation."
"Ever wonder what you're not seeing? Each month comedians perform pieces that have been rejected by anything from Conan O'Brien to The New Yorker..."
“Novelists, TV writers, stand-up comics, cartoonists, filmmakers, recording artists, dramatists, and poets come together for a friendly but edgy celebration of failure.”
"Rejection hurts. Luckily, this hurt comes from laughing so hard you pull a muscle. Comic Jon Friedman offers a ‘Summerfest of Rejection’ -- TV sketches, movie pitches, and New Yorker cartoons go from the cutting-room floor to Mo Pitkin's. Friedman cracks us up all summer by making his previously sporadic Show quasi-weekly."
"In New York, audiences are finding that failure is fun!"
"'The Rejection Show' is a refuge for the rebuffed, a haven for the heave-hoed,
a destination for the deep-sixed."
"A show like this is like the ultimate catharsis, for sure."
"Like a gang of Farmer Ted’s leading the geeks through the brutal, estranged halls of high school, the Rejection Show features some of NY’s finest rejected writers and performers, in this comedy-centric event."
"…Not just a brilliant idea, it’s a well executed one."
"'What do you get when you display a whole bunch of stuff that didn’t make the cut
at the New Yorker, Conan, and a bevy of other shows and publications?
Evidently, some funny shit.”
"True to it’s maxim, ‘Just because it’s been rejected doesn’t mean it’s not good,’
the show continues to attract an audience that can relate.”
"Rejection can be hilarious -- especially when it's someone else's. But the Rejection Show is not just your chance to laugh at the misfortune of others. It's the best of the rest, so to speak; a showcase of comedians turned down by Conan O'Brien, rejected television writers, and cartoonists who find more SASEs in their mailboxes than checks."
Tuesday, February 05, 2008
You Should Know That
- Refrigerator
- Vacuum Cleaner
- Life
Alright! Alright! Here's Your NY Giants Parade!
Here is lower Broadway at Liberty Street from my 28th story window as Eli Manning drove by with the trophy:

My favorite part is the massive amounts of paper, real 8.5" x11" office paper that folks threw from their windows. That white stuff on the sills ain't snow--could be cocaine, this is Wall Street, afterall, but it's most likely confetti. Awesome crowd. Electrifying even if they're aren't your team. Damn, I wish I worked in a building with real windows that open! People even threw shit out windows on Church Street where the parade isn't happening:

Say what you wish, Giants fan or not, you gotta love New York.
NY Giants Parade in Lower Manhattan
I know that this as a disappointment to you folks who depend on me blogging from the front lines, so instead of a picture of lower Broadway from out my window a few minutes ago, how about a picture of lower Broadway out someone else's window from 100 years ago? Now picture a sea of blue in the middle of the street and there's your Giants parade. Enjoy.

Monday, February 04, 2008
Got Angst? Mortified NYC on February 11

Sunday, February 03, 2008
Giants Win!
Anyway, sure, I'm from New England, but I love an underdog (hello, Bills fan). New Yorkers and the rest of the world are pretty psyched to knock Belichick and Brady and Boston down a peg, and now they've got it. I'm just pissed my numbers didn't come up in the office pool.
Lots of hungover Giant fans and Patriot haters in the office tomorrow morning.
Superbowl 42 Means: Puppy Bowl 4!
Friday, February 01, 2008
Tramp Stamps and Fake Tans Have Replaced Sweaters and Beads
Next Up: Strawberry Covered Locusts