Monday, April 30, 2007
A Mail Carrier's Haste
Burlesque Tonight

This evening I'm going to La Mama's (74th East 4th Street) upstairs theater at 8 pm to see a burlesque show produced by Honi Harlow, featuring herself, Jenn Wehrung, and several other sultry babes and perhaps some dudes. The really interesting feature about this show (other than the campy and suggestive T&A) is that a majority of the performers are deaf, as is most of the audience. I saw it last year, and it's really amazing. Highly recommended!
Tell a Dude He Has Big Boobs and He Takes it the Wrong Way
BB: What??? Are you calling me fat?
Me: No, I'm saying you have big boobs.
It can be annoying when a highly-crafted insult is misinterpreted.
Happy Birthday, Willie Nelson!
Today the amazing Mr. Willie Nelson turns 74.
Sunday, April 29, 2007
Anonymous New York: You Gotta Love It
Here are some folks earlier in the evening enjoying the southeastern view.
And later, more folks on the balcony. This time, giggling. At what? A bird?
Now, giggling and pointing due southwest. At what? A plane? The Empire State Building?
No, no, and no.
Well, what? What is all the excitement all about???
Oh, just a dude on the 38th floor of the highrise across the street getting a BJ from a lady person who was seated in the dude's pleather desk chair from Staples. Click on the picture, and you'll see what I mean. The show was over (for us) when she suddenly popped up into view after hearing a cheering crowd (us). Then the lights flicked off, but the Empire State Building remained lit until midnight. I was lit until about 4.
Occasionally I'm Invited to Parties
Saturday, April 28, 2007
Family Fun & French Horns

I bring up my love of glass figurine French horns because I overheard a hilarious conversation on a crowded uptown 5 train this week. Two women and a man got on and shared my subway pole. The two women were evidently sisters, and the guy was either their friend or one of their husbands or boyfriends:
Younger Sister: (laughing) Remember the time we surprised Mom and Dad with an anniversary dinner on the back deck and you played the French horn while they ate?
Man: (laughing) No way.
Older Sister (laughing) Yeah, I think I played "We Didn't Start the Fire."
Younger Sister (laughing harder) Oh my God! "We Didn't Start the Fire!" (laughing)
Older Sister: Yeah. And I defintely played a medley.
Younger Sister: A medley! (laughing hysterically) Do you still have that French horn?
Older Sister: Somewhere, yeah.
Then they got off the train, and I started cracking up, picturing the scene myself. It still makes me laugh, and those people aren't even in my family. I wonder if their parents are still married.
Eldred, New York

I Don't Know What the Deal With Muffins Is
I Had a Wicked Red Sox Day Yesterday By Myself With Others
As I mentioned earlier, I solo-attended the BLOHARD luncheon at the Yale Club yesterday, and being a crappy photojournalist (as well as a crappy regular-type journalist), I only snapped four pictures before my camera died. Here they are:
Chris, one of the owners of Professor Thom's on 2nd Avenue and 13th Street (the site of the old Flamingo East) came to say a few words about his new bar and that it should be everyone's destination to watch Red Sox games as it's a safe place for fans in the city to watch NESN without restraint and unburdened by Yankee fans or other obnoxious distractions. Chris is from Brighton, and his Masshole accent was so thick it almost seem put on, and such a refreshing thing to hear at the Yale Club. I haven't heard it in awhile.
So, that night, I made sure to watch the last few innings of the game at Professor Thom's. It's a huge space and sure enough, because of the Sox/Yanks series it was crammed. Everywhere you look, you can see the game because the amount of televisions behind the bar, along each wall, and at a few booths (which you can reserve) personal flat screen televisions are placed like ye olde table-top juke boxes of yore.
Thom's played "Nessie" and "Sweet Caroline" and all the good stuff in between innings just like they do at Fenway, the food is good, and all of their cocktail waitresses wear little Red Sox jerseys. I asked one very tall and beautiful Ramirez, where she got her jersey and she said, "You'll have to ask my boss, I don't know, but I hear he (Ramirez) is supposed to be good." Well...he's been better. Anyway, the jerseys are from the Kids' Section at Paragon Sports. I'm gonna pick myself up an Ortiz one. The corner booth was rowdy with a Japanese camera crew who were filming the crowd and the Dice-K Matzusaka vs Godzilla Matsui matchup. They'll have tons of Masshole footage, that's for sure, as there was a group 10+ strong of Mass/NH fans who were in town for the game today. You guys know Kev, Jeff, and Mahk, don't you?
I'll be back to Thom's.
So far, the Sox lead the Yanks 1 game to zero in this series, making this the Yanks' 7th loss in a row.
Etta James: My Kind of Broad
Please, enjoy Etta James and the Blues Breakers with "You Got Me Runnin.'" I can't stop playing it; what a show that must have been!
Thursday Night at the D-Lounge Was Wicked Good
Friday, April 27, 2007
Long Liquid Red Sox Lunch at the Yale Club, Anyone?

Today I went to a Yale Club luncheon sponsored by the Boston BLOHARDS club, the contingency of Red Sox Nation who live in NYC. The acronym BLOHARDS stands for Benevolent and Loyal Order of Honorable and Ancient Red Sox Diehard Sufferers of New York. Needless to say, it was a good time. Blue blazers with gold buttons, white wine n' whiskey, chicken n' greenbeans, and Joe Castiglione himself interviewing the larger than life (6'8") Sox pitcher Kyle Snyder himself! Kyle and I may have been the youngest in attendance (minus the four year old working the door with his mother. He was also in a blue blazer with gold buttons and bow tie). Let's put it this way; if you are familiar with the '67 Sox, you would have been in good company and done well on the trivia portion of the afternoon.
Tonight the Sox face the Yanks for another 3-game series, this time at Yankee Stadium. Here's hoping things turn out like they did last weekend. I will have a few pictures to share with you from the lunch later on. At times I'm quite a crappy photojournalist, and sometimes I neglect to charge my camera battery. This was one of these times. What a jerk.
PS Guess who else was there? Oh, only John Pizzarelli, of Foxwoods Casino "Wonder of It All" fame! Believe it. Click on the link, I think the music starts up if you haven't heard it in ten minutes. He sang "Take Me Out to the Ballgame" & of course, "Wonder of It All," but I don't remember if he said "Foxwoods Yeah!" at the end. At any rate, he's Red Sox fan and those commercials have enabled him to purchase a nice house last year. He's at NYC's Birdland all week, kids!
I Really Miss My Grandmother
Who Is Not a Toast Fan?
Thursday, April 26, 2007
Where Were You In 1972?
Refreshing Idea From Anne
Get really super old timey and don't have an answering machine. It really works*!
*Not recommended for people who complain about getting a lot of messages but truthfully really enjoy it deep down
**In the interest of full disclosure, I personally don't have an answering machine for three reasons:
1) Relentless stalkers (and talkers)
2) My number is one digit away from a local pizza place and during football season life becomes a living hell if I answer the phone
3) My Radio Shack phone/answering machine combo broke and I'm too lazy to replace it
4) Why do I still have a land line? The apocalypse. Duh
Anne's Fashion Tips For Someone Who'll Never Read Them

Let us now zoom in on her feet, shall we?

Weird Wedding Photos Part MCLLMCXXXV
I'm Thinkin' Tonight of My Blue Eyes
Maybelle, AJ, & Sara Carter, 1920's

'Twould been better for us both had we never
In this wide and wicked world had never met,
For the pleasure we've both seen together
I'm sure, love, I'll never forget.
Oh, I'm thinking tonight of my blue eyes
Who is sailing far over the sea.
I'm thinking tonight of my blue eyes
And I wonder if he ever thinks of me.
Oh, you told me once, dear, that you loved me;
You said that that we never would part.
But a link in the chain has been broken
Leaves me with a sad and aching heart.
When the cold, cold grave shall enclose me
Will you come dear and shed just one tear
And say to the strangers around you
A poor heart you have broken lies here
Sung by Sara Carter. Recorded on 2/14/29 Camden, NJ
Here is the Carter Family (minus AJ Carter): Maybelle (on left) & Sara (on right) singing "Canonball Blues" at a family reunion back in the day:
Cubicle Life: It's Square
It leaves them speechless, generally. Sometimes they reply, "Why don't you get in your hole!" And I go, "I'm already in my hole." So then they go back into their hole and the whole thing is over pretty quickly.

Lost Dog
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
Congratulations, Class of 1928!

Being a Human is Hard
Weird Wedding Photos Part MCLLMCXXX
* had it been taken in a subway station
** from "The New York City Transit Authority has ruled that women can ride the city subways topless. New York law dictates that if a man can be somewhere without a shirt, a woman gets the same right. The decision came after arrests of women testing the ordinance on the subways. A transit police spokesman said they would comply with the new rule, but "if they were violating any other rules, like sitting on a subway bench topless smoking a cigarette, then we would take action."
***unless they've been incredibly or grotesquely enhanced in the form of beanbags or dodge balls
Dogs In Germany Don't Say Bow Wow
That's what I'm guessing, anyway.
Here is a diagram of a dog's outside and inside. Enjoy.

Tuesday, April 24, 2007
I'm Ready For a Brand New Start, Who's With Me?
Mistaken Lyrics: Scorpio
Mistaken Lyrics: Livin' in the Bronx
I tell you what though, I sure got a howl out of my friend Martin's "Living in the Bronx...Living in the Bronx...It's a put on...Livin' in the Bronx..." as "Eminence Front" blared on the stereo one evening. When I enlightened him (sometimes I enlighten), I remember he said, "What the hell does "eminence front" mean?" Exactly. What does it matter if you're singin' away having a good time? It's all a put on. Please, put your hands together for The Who, and "Eminence Front."