Thursday, April 26, 2007

Refreshing Idea From Anne

Hey, if you have what we in modern times call a "land line" and dislike coming home to a lot of messages on what we in "olden times" called an answering machine, I have a helpful suggestion:

Get really super old timey and don't have an answering machine. It really works*!

*Not recommended for people who complain about getting a lot of messages but truthfully really enjoy it deep down

**In the interest of full disclosure, I personally don't have an answering machine for three reasons:
1) Relentless stalkers (and talkers)
2) My number is one digit away from a local pizza place and during football season life becomes a living hell if I answer the phone
3) My Radio Shack phone/answering machine combo broke and I'm too lazy to replace it
4) Why do I still have a land line? The apocalypse. Duh

1 comment:

newbluebaby said...

Can I have an extra large pepperoni?