Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Tom and Jerry Bar

288 Elizabeth Street, Monday, May 19, 8:10 pm

288 Elizabeth Street, Monday, May 19, 8:40 pm

Jerry Thomas--celebrity mixologist and bartender from the late 1800's--is credited for creating the Tom and Jerry cocktail. The Tom and Jerry is a rum-based milk and egg white beverage often associated with wintry nights, punch bowls, and cat and mouse teams. The Tom and Jerry Bar (288 Elizabeth) has a large collection of Tom and Jerry bowls and cups on the shelves of their large space, a collection which is complimented by original artwork on the walls and hard spirits behind the bar. Sure, the smell of stale beer abounds! Just get over it.

Tom and Jerry Bar, 288 Elizabeth Street, NYC


Moderator said...

I just read about this place. I'm jealous you got to go and I didn't.

anne altman said...

don't be that jealous. i was on a blind date.

Sans Pantaloons said...

BD: why are you taking photographs?

AA: I'm going to post them on my Blog. I'm a Blogger.

BD: goodbye.

anne altman said...

i'm incognito on these things. will blog about how incognito i am shortly.

and the goodbye was on my part.


Sans Pantaloons said...

AA: Why do have moisturiser with you?

BD: It's for when you're down the hole.

AA: goodbye.

Well obvious.

Del-V said...

That drink sounds like an omlet with booze.