Sunday, December 30, 2007
Saturday, December 29, 2007
Friday, December 28, 2007
99 Bottles of Beer on the Tree, 99 Bottles of Beer ...
Friday, December 21, 2007
Cures What Ails Ya
Jamie Lynn Spears

Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Tila Tequila Chose the "Dude" Over the "Broad"

Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Comin' On Down to Comix Tonight, Folks?
One who happens to have had a bad reaction to a perfectly well-intentioned grilled cheese on whole wheat that she had for lunch and really needs to use the john in private but the cleaning ladies are buzzing around the hallway and well...apparently the guys must have put a little extra doo-doo on that grilled cheese and I'm paying the price.
Now I'm getting all pissed again. Awwww, the old me. Remember me?
Anne Altman (Mortified)
Katina Corrao (HBO)
Emily Epstein (Laugh Lounge)
Kimmy Gatewood (The Apple Sisters at The PIT)
Jenny Rubin (MAX)
Carla Rhodes (The Cutting Room)
Hosted by Carolyn Castiglia (VH1)
So Sorry
You know I love you. Which is why I have to burden you with the fact that the reason I've been so remiss on interesting posts of late is that this:
is the color of the snot that has been choking me for over a week.
That's right, I'm ill. This time physically. And there's good news and bad news.
The good news is that my voice is slowly returning to the normal high-pitched and nasal sound which forces telemarketers to ask, "Is your Mommy home?" A much needed respite from the Selma from Night Court shiznit I've been rocking all week.
The bad news is that once I'm feeling 100%, my blog will continue to rely heavily on quantity (versus quality) and continue to disappoint.
Happy Pre-Holiday Horseshit, everyone!
Weird Wedding Photos Part MVLMMVMCMV
Monday, December 17, 2007
Want to See More Me?
8:00 PM
Ochi's Lounge
Downstairs at Comix - 353 West 14th Street
New York, New York 10014
Anne Altman (Mortified)
Katina Corrao (HBO)
Emily Epstein (Laugh Lounge)
Kimmy Gatewood (The Apple Sisters at The PIT)
Jenny Rubin (MAX)
Carla Rhodes (The Cutting Room)
Hosted by Carolyn Castiglia (VH1)
Friday, December 14, 2007

a 1960 Chevrolet Parkwood
What Type of Christmas Tree Topper Type of Family Are You?
- Star
- Angel
I come from a star family. I judge angel families as being trashy. Sorry if you come from an angel family and you are offended by my opinion, but it is the truth. Stars are the only way to go. Stars exist.
Real or Fake: What Kind of Christmas Tree Family Are You?

Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Monday, December 10, 2007
Dear Twats at the Nail Salon Yesterday

Holiday Mortification is Cathartic: Believe It
Hailed a "cultural phenomenon" by Newsweek and celebrated by the likes of This American Life, The Today Show, The Onion AV Club, Esquire, Entertainment Weekly, Daily Candy, and more, Mortified is a comic excavation of teen angst artifacts (journals, letters, poems, lyrics, home movies, stories, and more) as shared by their original authors before total strangers. As the largest and longest-running project of its kind, our grassroots comedy collective has spent years sifting through hundreds of otherwise forgotten notebooks on a mission to celebrate the extraordinary lives of ordinary people. Mortified is co-produced in New York by Anne Altman & Brandy Barber.
Presale tickets: $10 (Day of show $12) Buy tickets here!
Sunday, December 09, 2007
Share the Holiday Spirit by Donating Food to the Hungry
Anne's Fashion Tips: Colors Which Don't Go Together, Yo

- Brown and Yellow
- Grey and Brown
- Pink and Red
Remember Thanksgiving 2007?
We'll Be 'Avin' a Laff on December 16
All good things come to an end. Boo!
Hats Off to Cha Cha and Her Crabby Hour
DeeAnne entertained us with some holiday jazz accompanied by the smooth bass of Tal Ronen while Kevin and Cha Cha --of Cha Cha's House of Ill Repute--served up some holiday cheer--cocktails Partridge in a Pear Tree and Rudolph's Revenge in the beautiful setting of Cha Cha's Millinery. Enjoy our time vicariously through my photos below (click to enlarge the yuletide).

Get thyself to one of Cha Cha's infamous Crabby Hours and pick out a beautiful Cha Cha original! Check out DeeAnne's website to catch the sexy songstress around town!
Saturday, December 08, 2007
Have I Told You Lately How Much I Love Mario Lanza?
Bad Breath is Rough For Everyone
Yesterday, a dude from the mailroom-- who simply asked me where another colleagues office was-- unfortunately burned my eyebrows off with his breath. Time to pencil those suckers in for awhile, I guess. Now I can look crazy surprised, mad, or confused with no effort at all and no wear n' tear on the ol' forehead.
Friday, December 07, 2007
Just One Reason Why Greenberg is a Maniac: In 3 Parts
Enter one size 11.5 dirty Bass Weejun that Greenberg wears everyday and refuses to shine.
Hole-y shit! Is that an enormous hole? Is that green chewing gum? Is that gross? And possibly terribly cold/wet when it hits the winter pavement?
According to Greenberg:
1 Avery #5260 label = Shoe is fixed.