Friday, March 30, 2007

I'm Not an Insomniac

But last night I did not sleep well. It was one of those nights when you put your head down on the pillow, pull up the covers, and close the eyes only to realize that fifteen minutes later, you're still awake underneath those closed lids. Add 6 hours to that. You're too tired to get up and do stuff, but you're too awake to sleep. It bites.

Instead of sleep, I was tormented by bizarre dreams, one which featured me discovering that Payless Shoes had just opened a store in the middle of a lake where I had just purchased a significant piece of lakefront property. Needless to say, I was beside myself. "Talk about ruining property values! A Payless shoestore? ? ? In the middle of the lake? ? ? There goes the neighborhood! This is absurd!!!"

Tell me about it. But it's no more absurd than the line "...where I had just purchased a significant piece of lakefront property." In my dreams is right.

Lotto, anyone?

1 comment:

Mel said...

damn those payless stores!