Thursday, April 05, 2007

Weird Wedding Photos Part MCLMXVLV

God, this is weird. I can't tell exactly why it's weird, but I know it upsets me. It's very BIG. Her bangs, for example, are jarring. They're huge, and they're competing with her bouquet, which is enormous and dense and an insane. It's a 30 lb clump of red roses with a few yogurt covered raisins sprinkled on top and that is competing with (not distracting from) her waistline which isn't small, and that is grabbing attention from the groom's eyewear and spotty unevenly grown porno mustache which detracts from his elegant tuxedo, and my eyes are darting all over the place because I just dont know what the frig to look at!!!

1 comment:

piglet said...

You have to admit they're perfectly matched.