Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Who's Weird You or Me?

I know someone who when he eats, will eat each section of the meal at a time. In other words, in an entree featuring a meat, potato and vegetable, he'll first eat and finish the steak. Then, he'll go to potato, and when that's finished, the vegetables. Never will he mush things together, let alone will he have a bite of steak, then potato, then steak again, it's always 1, 2, 3, and each item must be finished before proceeding to the next. If it's a sandwich with fries, it's the entire sandwich then the fries, or all the fries, then the sandwich. His cousin also eats this way, but says the order of ingestion depends on the meat itself, adding that a meatloaf entree would allow for mixing of items.


Verdant Earl said...

I mix and match.

But if it is a bowl or plate of pasta or something similar, I tend to eat from the far side of the plate towards me. Weird.

Jen said...

this person sounds like a genius. i think it shows organization skills, and incredible depth.

i happen to be the same, and eat one thing at a time. also, the items cannot touch. no gravy can leak over to the green beans. YUK!

i have also been know to order a big salad and then "take it apart" and sort it, then eat one thing at a time.

i buy little bags of trail mix, sort it out on a napkin, and eat pretzels, then peanuts, etc...

the only exception is mixing bday cake (yellow cake) with vanilla ice cream.


anne altman said...

interesting comments, kids!

incidentally the subject of the post thinks your trail mix thing is obsessive, glittergirl. that makes me laugh.

Teri said...

I used to be like this, somewhat, when I was a kid. Now, not so much. Mixed it up, people.

Sans Pantaloons said...

I am the opposite. I prefer everything to be mushed together. Starter, main course & dessert, all in one big lovely scrumptious blob of goo! Great!

anne altman said...

quite a visual...may be too much for some. don't give the other kids coniptions, sans! :)

Dr Zibbs said...

They have name for that condition. It's called a retard.

Scott Armstrong said...

Do these people also go #1, or #2, but never both at the same time?

Micgar said...

Oh hell there's a whole shitload of variations too-people who will have all their food on the plate, but can't mix any of it, no matter if they are complementary, (but will eat a bit from all sections-not sequentially) some who will mix it all up into one big mess, and some who will only mix some foods up but not others. Those people are weird-not the ones who use a different fork for each food type, use butter knives to eat cereal, and take only 11 precise bites of corn on the cob-nope that's pretty normal I think.

Micgar said...

btw that dinner looks like some kind of spooky "meal monster"- one green eye and one red eye and then a turkey/mashed potato mouth. Or, maybe it's getting really really late!

Identity Crisis said...

I know someone like that too. He isn't weird but I am.

Primordial Dork said...

I can confirm glittergirl is not lying. I lived with her three different times.

She also fears dental floss and string mops, and considers lentghy debates regarding the h-v orientation of door mats and the merits of Windex vs 409 a good use of one's precious time.

I use other people's nail polish remover in the most tragically unjust way you can imagine.