Friday, September 05, 2008

The McPalin Ticket Induces Vomiting

Carolyn's friend Masi was so inspired by McCain's VP choice that she had to get it all out on her new blog Impolitic Chick before it consumed her, like a nasty case of ebola heartburn might consume someone if it was an actual thing that existed and not a fake disease that I just made up. Not that this election is consuming me like a nasty case of ebola heartburn or anything*

*i'm actually flipping the fuck out but trying to keep it together for the kids**
** you are the kids


Just Dave said...

I like the way that the Republican National Committee has decided that, if you don't like Palin, you are sexist. Using this logic, they are all a bunch of racist skinheads since they don't like Obama.

Micgar said...

just dave-you are so right! I hadn't thought of it that way!