Sunday, April 19, 2009

30 Days for 30 Minutes Challenge

You may remember my Two Can Anne Triathlon (TCAT), wherein I attempted to prove that it only takes 21 days to change a habit---and made it about 16 days into the 21 days before I fell ill with the flu and then completely off the wagon. T'was a bummer, because I was really seeing results. Well, it's Spring now, and time to try again. My pal Carolyn Castiglia just texted me, "Wanna do the 30 minutes for 30 days thing? I need it." Totes! Me too!

Inspired? Want in? You're invited too! 

Technically this challenge doesn't officially begin until tomorrow, but I'm fifteen minutes into my 30 today, actually. My goal is to do 30 minutes of brisk walking and/or snowboard and/or Qi Gong before work. I don't need to lose any weight, but I could stand to lose my attitude--the one that makes me want to murder people and/or myself every morning on the subway-- and tone up here and there. Ever see a flabby skeleton look good in a bikini? No, you haven't.  

Since I'm not going for weight loss, it could be difficult to track my progress in the traditional manner. After some discussion with some folks, it's been decided that I could take some basic measurements but also record my mental progress, if any. Sure, it's more nebulous, but save for time-lapsed photography show of a flabby to firm thigh, I'm not sure how else to do it. The idea is that I rate my day on how stressed I was. Let's say Mondays I generally want to murder everyone. If I feel that way tomorrow (on my first official day of the challenge, it's likely) then that would mean I would score the day with 5 out of 5 hatchets. A less stressful day would be 4 out of 5, and so on. And let's say I get to a day with 1 measly hatchet. Tremendous! Or no hatchet at all! Unprecedented! Perhaps hatchets begin miraculously turning into doves! Unbelievable!

I'm getting carried away. 

Anyway, Carolyn bought some new sneakers* so she's totally down for the challenge. Are you? 

*I bought a delicious pizza pie, but I'm still down


love, jenn said...

I'm IN!!! Delightful! I hate exercise. I hate people. I also hate my fat ass so... I am in!

Plus I ate 1/4 of a lemon poppy seed pound cake today. Not pizza pie or sneakers but... Where do I sign up, ladies?

anne altman said...

right here. consider yourself signed up!

Start Date: Tomorrow, April 20

Track your progress on your blog or mine; i'll try to post after my 3o mins each day.

now that i typed this, i'm wondering if 20 minutes isn't more manageable...

whipcreamy said...

but today is 420...

JR said...

I'm in too!

By the way, Anne ... since you're not in it for the weight loss, you may actually see a weight GAIN over time as you continue to work out. The reason: you're building muscle tissue which is more dense (and therefore HEAVIER)than fat (or flab) tissue.

OK .. I'm starting to sound like Bill Nye the Science Guy ..

Have fun everyone ... and GO FOR IT!