Thursday, August 19, 2010

Mad Men Recaps by Michelle Collins

It's Mad Men Season, which means that Sundays are less depressing for me because I've got the new episode to look forward to every week (that is, if I manage to keep my eyes open long enough to make it to 10 o'clock. New Anne, new hours, thanks to Baby John.) Then I can't wait to read Michelle Collins' recap of Mad Men. She's tall, gorgeous, and friendly and that doesn't happen very often. The only other tall, gorgeous and friendly broad I suspect could be Heidi Klum, but I don't know her. Anyhow, Michelle has a very funny brain and Heidi only has a very funny accent. Big fan of that Michelle, I am.

Now I've turned into Yoda (short, ugly, and friendly).

Without further ado about Yoda and such, if you're caught up on last week's episode, you may now please enjoy:

Finally, The Episode Where We Get to See Don Draper Naked by Michelle Collins for Vh1's Best Week Ever.

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