Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Picture This

I remember doing a dance routine to this song at Haggett's Dance School in Marblehead, Mass when I was about turqoise parachute pants, a black leotard, a faded blue sweatshirt, and white canvas jazz shoes. You don't have to listen to the entire George Benson live version of "On Broadway" to get the idea. I also remember that Fosse's jazz hands were in the house that day. Big old Fosse hands. And you know something? I wasn't half bad. It's a wonder I managed to concentrate on the art of the dance with the ribbons from my ribbon barrettes getting in my eyes. It's kind of like when smoke gets in your eyes minus the romance and plus the lame.

Oh, jazz. Why didn't I stick with you?

For a real howl, check this out, compliments of Teri who found it on Jen's Casual Slack. It is a great way to start the morning. Thanks, guys!



ribbon barettes kicked ass!!!!

i got talked into doing a "modern dance" routine in 7th grade. they did this super gay modern dance show every year, and that year i happened to befriend the popular girls. i know, a mistake.

there were 10 of us, in light purple leotards, dancing to "mr roboto".

it gets worse. i'm short and they stuck me up front. i'm also lazy and i missed most of the practices.

there's an ancient VHS tape out there of the entire performace, with me in the front, doing every robot move WRONG.

good times....

Dr. Monkey Von Monkerstein said...

Jazz hands are not really jazz hands unless they are Fosse jazz hands.


holy shit, lady! you get awesome spam!!!

"Suggestions for saving water:::
3. Piss in the sink to save water - Always wash your hands and "flush" with 8oz of water!!!"