Photo by Anya Garrett. A Night for Dottie @ Comix, 4/6/08
And look who else was there? Why if it isn't my old friend Fitzy! Read all about him and his Masshole mania @ Townie News. Go Sox and as Fitzy would say, Go GFY.
To learn more about Dottie Person and the fund for her children click here.
Yankee Stadium, April 2, 2008
It was brisk n' chilly in the Bronx last night, but a good time was had by all (well, by me and the Toronto fans behind me) as we enjoyed some early Spring baseball. Yanks lost to the Jays 5-2. I documented the evening at the Cathedral--a place so near and so dear to the Yanks and their fans that they're getting the hell outta there to a brand new park next door. $9.50 for a small plastic cup of Yuengling at the old stadium--do the math on the beer prices at the new joint. More pics to follow, but here's a shot of the peanut guy to tide you over.
Hello Our Fantastic Friends, Fans, Foes and Lovers,
There is no KOH this Wednesday, because starting April 9th The KINGDOM OF HEAVEN goes WEEKLY! Wowza! This is exciting, huh? Also, April 9th is a very special show because it's Timmy and John's BIRTHDAY SHOW! Their birthdays are four days apart. Crazy, right? It's gonna be a night you will never forget, so don't forget to come to the show!Jesus F. Christ and Altar Boy Timmy might be hosting!
Plus, we may have an AMAZING SECRET SPECIAL GUEST as our COMEDIAN OF MERIT...It's a secret...and we hope it works out!Plus, you get TEN COMEDIANS opening the show with sweet Comedy Action!Also, SARA AND BRANDY will be making a special appearance!
JFOD and Timmy