Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Look Familiar?
"Christmas Day 1984. Or Recovery Day, after last night's big Christmas Eve dinner with my sister and her kids (well, the youngest was 19) and presents. Now it's time to relax, at least for my father and brother. Mother's probably in the kitchen preparing a dinner of yummy leftovers; this year it was prime rib. Meanwhile, there are various goodies to munch and otherwise imbibe on. I've got seasonal music playing on my system down at the other end of the room. Knowing me, it's The Nutcracker. Despite the modern lights, our tree is full of vintage ornaments, some dating back to my mother's childhood. There are also my home-made Peanuts ornaments I'd done over 20 years before. I also see that Mother still hadn't given up on African violets; as a special Christmas offering, they even seem to be blooming. Available light Kodacolor 1000 negative. View full size." From submitted by TTerrace.
Doodle's Tenth Christmas, John's First
Monday, December 20, 2010
You're Gonna Die Probably
Friday, December 10, 2010
Hot Stuff

(At left): John as The Heat Miser, NYC ~ December 9, 2010. (At right): Mr. Heat Miser as Himself, South Town ~ December 24, 1920's - Rankin/Bass' The Year Without a Santa Claus, 1974
Monday, December 06, 2010
Monday, November 29, 2010
John Will Teach You How to Eat a Banana
Friday, November 19, 2010
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
elf You! elf Me!
I didn't know I needed a little Christmas, right this very minute, until this weekend, when I had the pleasure of seeing elf, a brand new Christmas musical on Broadway. I'm generally skeptical of books made into movies or movies made into Broadway shows or candy made into gum (have you ever tasted Razzles? Don't. They're horrible), and considering it is most people's opinion that Will Ferrell "makes" the 2003 motion picture Elf, how could another elf compete? But elf The Musical succeeds.
If you haven't seen the movie Elf, and don't mind a spoiler of the Broadway story, here's a synopsis. Buddy, an orphaned infant, is found by Santa in his pack after a round of delivering gifts around the globe one Christmas. Santa and his elves raise Baby Buddy in Christmastown as their own, and Buddy knows no other life despite the fact that he's terrible at making toys and three times the size of his "brethren." One day they mistakenly spill the beans in front of Buddy, and Santa has to come clean. Buddy finds out that he's not an elf, but an unbeknownst product of a college relationship his human biological dad had with a woman now-deceased. And 20 years later, Buddy's Dad is a very grumpy workaholic executive in New York City who is on Santa's "Naughty List." Buddy decides to go to New York to find his father and be the "World's Greatest Son," but what he doesn't realize is that his father is married with young son. More important, none believe in Santa nor the spirit of Christmas. This becomes Buddy's mission.
Despite Will Ferrell's absence from the stage version, elf the Musical does have a little star power: Santa is played by the appropriately jolly George Wendt of Cheers fame, and it's hard not to fall in love with Sebastian Arcelus' Buddy the Elf. Santa gives Buddy the following advice before he embarks on his trip from the North Pole to New York City which is basically, "Many pizza places in NYC claim to be Ray's Original pizza; but there's only one original, and it's on 6th Avenue between 11th and 12th Streets..."
The rest of the cast is delightful, all sing and dance their way through Buddy's story well and with humor that the adults find funny without offending the tykes and the music is festive enough to get a Grinch like myself in the holiday mood. "The Story of Buddy the Elf," for example, is one remarkablly peppy tune in which a toddler couldn't help himself from singing the chorus during the quiet scene following its introduction). But what most impressed me about the show was the incredible set design by David Rockwell and beautiful costumes by Gregg Barnes. The towering, grey, realistic art deco office buildings reminded me of my view of downtown Manhattan. Buddy stands out in Jolly the Green Giant green, and when he's with New Yorkers, they're dressed in earthtones. It was the cheerful, gorgeous, jewel toned, beaufully handcrafted elf costumes that made the show for me; they popped against the backdrops, and I was actually mesmerized by them.
New York is a Christmas kind of town, and at this time of year, it's the best place to get into the holiday spirit. I attended a matinee of elf where many seats were occupied by families with children. Well-behaved, children, I might add, because elf held their attention. Now that I'm a mother, I thought about bringing my son to a show like this when he's older. Unlike Radio City's Christmas Spectacular, which is a Manhattan institiution, definitely, but in my opinion, a little long for a little kid, elf the Musical is a pint-sized perfection.
Friday, November 12, 2010
No, You Can't Have It All
Thursday, November 11, 2010
I missed you so!
Remember me?
I don't either!
If you told me five years ago (heck, two years ago) that I'd be up to my elbows making sweetpotato/broccoli/beet/pear puree for my son instead of ordering another round at a local happy hour, I'd assume you were either crazy or talking to the person next to me.
But lo and behold, this is what I do now. Isn't that interesting? I wish I had more time to tell you about all the interesting things! The hiccup in the XYZ firewall has allowed me to tell you this latest interesting thing. Let's hope the hiccup lasts awhile.
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Time Out!
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Shades of Boog

Friday, September 17, 2010
Body by TV
6 Pack Ab Burn
Needless to say, I was bummed to see that this was the edition du jour. Anything with "Ab" or "Burn" is bound to suck. Which, it did, pretty much.
Pros: I suppose if you just had a baby, you'd want to concentrate on where baby took up the most real estate, no matter how much it blows.
Cons: The woman was annoying. I also disliked her orange spray tan, which was distracting. Yet it did have the benefit of also distracting me from the fatigue of the exercises, as I wondered when this orange trend will go out of style. Not soon enough.
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Body by TV
- 1 exercise video every day via ExerciseTV on Demand for 1 month.
The videos are all somewhere between 7-30 minutes long, and they run the gamut: meditation to kick boxing and everything in between. Since I'm just starting out, and I don't really care what I'm doing as long as I'm doing something, I've decided to choose the exercises in the same way a professional, calculating fitness trainer would: Alphabetically. That should keep it interesting.
This morning, I completed "10 Minute Buns and Thighs." It was fine. One could argue that a title with "buns and thighs" in it could make someone hungry for lunch and/or sexy time rather than exercise, but I had a cup of coffee beforehand and craved neither.
10 Minute Buns and Thighs
Pros: It's only 10 minutes and there's a visible counter that runs in the corner beginning at 10 minutes
Cons: She busts a move right out of the gate, and I wasn't sure I was ready to move that fast that early, but I caught up. See Pros.
Poverty Loves Company
"NO SHIT!" replied the woman eating a bowl of radishes for lunch at her desk.
Monday, September 13, 2010
Top Ten Reasons Why My Retainer is in My Junk Drawer
Thursday, September 09, 2010
It's Over, Bowl

Wednesday, September 08, 2010
How Norwegian Are These Cookies?
Thursday, September 02, 2010
Surprise: Neither John Nor I Cried But Someone Else Did!

We picked up the baby from "skool" two hours later after killing some time at Dunkin Donuts just as the group's afternoon nap started, because it's suggested we "phase him in" instead of dumping him all day for his first day, which made complete sense and causes me wonder if RW had a proper phase-in. Barbara said John did well as she carried him out to us, but that he had a tough time sleeping because of RW's howling. This isn't surprising, as I have a difficult enough time getting the baby to nap at home in the relative peace and quiet of Midtown. Today John had a longer day and JD didn't collect him until after naptime ended. I don't have all the details yet, but a few words via text message have it that John had another banner time despite the fact there was "no improvement" in RW's disposition.
My Parents Were Awesome (Yours Were Too)
Hard to believe, but true. Now that I'm a parent, I'm aware more than ever that I'll never look younger than I do today (barring any plastic surgery down the line) and I'll most likely not be any "cooler" (clearly I'm already uncool if I'm watching network television's 6:30 p.m. newscast). If I'm lucky to live until I'm old, I'll end up looking like everyone's Mom eventually does, it's how life works. Here's a pic of Brian and Mary on My Parents Were Awesome , submitted by Katrisse:

Brian and Mary (formerly awesome) submitted by Katrisse
Do you have pictures of your parents when they were awesome? I know I do! Send 'em in to with your name and the name of those pictured (or submit directly through Tumblr).
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
I Thought the Cocaine Was Gum

Tomorrow is a big day for this Mommy, because it's Baby John's first day of daycare! Or "skool" as I like to call it. Let's hope they teach him lots of important things, like his A-B-Cs, 1, 2, 3s, and the difference between cocaine and gum. It could be a very costly mistake for him down the line. (Pun intended). Kidding! We're not letting him anywhere near gum.
Anyhow, even though John's not going to be in skool for the entire day on his first day, I'm warning you and everyone right now: I'm going to cry. I think. If I don't cry, then okay, fine, but if I do cry, you can't say I didn't warn you. I don't think John will get upset; he likes new people and new experiences for the most part, and he seems to roll with the punches. JD says that he didn't cry when his Mom dropped him off on his first day of school; he cried when she picked him up! Similarly, I think John will embrace it and be completely fine without us for a few hours.
On the other hand, how well I'll be holding up is another story. Do they have daycare providers for mothers who can't handle being away from their babies? Yes, and they're called psychiatrists. OMG am I tearing up already? I need to get it together!
Monday, August 30, 2010
Don't Broil Your Babies!
When in Doubt, Throw it Out
Anyhow, you know you have too much crap if your wife dies underneath a pile of junk, her decomposing body going unnoticed for four months, and you think she ran away. But maybe at that point it's too late to know you had much crap. Either way, now you know, I guess.
Feng shui philsophy says a good place to start is with 9 things a day. You don't have to go big or go home; if you have a dozen empty beer cans in your bed, just throw away nine. It'll get easier from there. So I'll toss 9 things tonight if you do...
Friday, August 27, 2010
My Kind of Town, (Chicago Is) - Frank Sinatra Live in London 1971
Tuna Salad Recipe of the Day

Tuna Salad With Celery and Radishes from Real Simple Magazine. Photo by Jens Mortensen.
2 5-ounce cans tuna in water, drained
8 small radishes, cut into thin wedges
2 stalks celery, sliced
1/4 cup chopped fresh flat-leaf parsley
2 tablespoons fresh lemon juice
1 tablespoon olive oil
kosher salt and black pepper
crackers, for serving
In a bowl, combine tuna, radishes, celery, parsley, lemon juice, olive oil, and kosher salt and black pepper. Refrigerate in a container for up to 1 day. Serve with crackers.
Nutritional Information
Per Serving
Calories 399
Fat 18g
Sat Fat 3g
Cholesterol 44mg
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Friday, August 20, 2010
Don' Do Dat
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Mad Men Recaps by Michelle Collins
Now I've turned into Yoda (short, ugly, and friendly).
Without further ado about Yoda and such, if you're caught up on last week's episode, you may now please enjoy:
Finally, The Episode Where We Get to See Don Draper Naked by Michelle Collins for Vh1's Best Week Ever.
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Fraternity Brothers, written by Yannis Pappas
"Three fraternity brothers reunite after ten years. A Ditch Film written by Yannis Pappas directed by Jesse Scaturro starring Louie Katz Ali Wong Rory Scovel & Yannis Pappas"
Thursday, August 12, 2010
I'd Post an Adorable Picture Here But
New camera: Still on the list of things that I'm sure once I own will make me deliriously happy and satisfied in life.
In the meantime, I will continue to take pictures with El Smoking Cam Cam that may or may not be seen by the public. Stay tuned.
"Communication error" problem fixed! I did some research on the internets and found some advice someone had given another someone about the same problem, stating that storing over 1,000 photos on a memory card will prevent the photos from being uploaded via the camera onto a computer. So I deleted about 500 old pictures and you know what? We're back in business! (The flash still smokes. No idea what to do about that other avoiding taking flash pictures to close to the subject or spraying your hairdo with AquaNet at the same time)
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
For the Very First Time
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Baby Spoon: More Impressive Than the Sweet Potatoes