Wednesday, August 16, 2006


Wow! Would you look at that operculum! Yes, this is what a Google image search rounded up when I picked a random word--operculum-- in the dictionary*.

Operculum: a lid or covering flap, the hard bony covering of the gills of a fish, a body process or part that suggests a lid, etc.

Pictured here is the operculum of a perch. And you thought nothing interesting happened in Mr. Tippetts Biology Class!

Alright, when Celeste flushed the baby sharks for dissection down the toilet that was kind of interesting, but other than that...

Alright, alright, when Sharon told the teacher, "Eat me raw you asshole" and he heard her, but that's about it. Right?

Alright, ok maybe when the teacher was reading aloud the multiple choice answers to the test and vagina was one of the answers and instead of reading just "The answer is A" he said "The answer is vagina" and I cracked up and was sent out of the room, that was interesting, but that's about it.

* I still need a new name for this, your newest favorite feature on Two Can Anne. Suggestions are welcome.


newbluebaby said...


Givin' Webster The Finger

rANNEdome Words

Pickle Tickle

anne altman said...

I'm liking rANNEdom words. . .

Sans Pantaloons said...

Rannedom choice?

Sans Pantaloons said...

Canned disparages?