Monday, January 01, 2007

FIrst Fall of 2007

So what if I made my grand exit from a New Year's Eve celebration at a private party in Uptown East 16 -room luxury apartment in an exclusive neighborhood by tripping over a foul-weather carpet in the building's lobby and landing totally on my chin. In front of 6 people. While wearing Keds.


Sure, I tromped around in my sexy turqouise patent leather pumps from time to time at the party, but it was the Keds--which I brought for my commute home--in which I broke my face in front of 6 people. Well, Happy Damn New Year. My foot is sprained. Awesome.

But I got a taxi. So, again, whatevs.


Here's me and Mr. Right Now at the very moment when Dick Clark (the Corpse) rang in 2007. Did you hear that bag of dust? Creeeeeeeepyyyyy! Nothing like havin' the Grim Reaper bring in the baby New Year !!
But this hunk of teal ain't just a good kisser and a loyal roll in the hay. Slap on some boxing gloves, clobber him in the face, and you're not only playing games but you totally have the hot new toy for xMas 06. (Think Cabbage Patch phenom of the eighties). If you didn't get this thing for Christmas, you're poor. Also, just so you know, they totally had that DDR (Dance Dance Revolution) at this party and all that PS3 crap too. It was tricked out. Envious? Should be.

Here's a totally not solicited shot of me looking totally hot albeit sort of like a caveman in my New Year's Hat, tiara (from my own collection), side ponytail (I'm going to try again to bring back the side pony to it's full glory) and the one-sleeved Studio 54 top, riding the "moguls" on my newest obsession: The i Joy Board Automated Snowboard Machine foot board thingie! Step on this and play some a funky groove and let me tell you something, workin' out ain't nothin' but a thaaaaang! Hello, taut abs and buns for summer, everyone! 400 beans and it can be yours! And it will be mine. Clearly. It will be mine.

Sure, I'm crazy. But I'm not alone. Happy 2007, people!


Just Dave said...

Any fall not involving stitches is minor and Keds are always cool, regardless. At least, you were aware enough to remember it happened.

Looks like you had a great time, otherwise. Happy Year of the Anne.

anne altman said...

thanks, just dave!

wow. a sprain hurts so much more the next day.

Just Dave said...

Ice, ice, lots of ice, Take it from an ex-jock who has sprained almost everything sprainable at one time or another. And keep it wrapped in an Ace bandage when the ice is off. I'm sure they come in turquoise.

Some Guy said...

Happy New Years, Anne! Lookin' pretty fly, as usual. Put some butter on that sprain. You'll be fine.

Moderator said...

I've boxed against that fucker before. It's fun.

Creepy said...

Rub some dirt on it.

sharon said...

I did almost the same thing after leaving the house where I partied with DeeAnne NYE. Slipped off the curb in the rain (no, of course I wasn't drunk - NOT), and busted my head. Blood dripping down my face while I'm standing in the cold and rain for like an hour trying to hail a cab. F'in DC....

(btw, you don't know me, but DeeAnne turned me on to your blog, and I'm hooked!)