Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Anne's in Love: With Baltimore: Camden Yards Part I

True: Unless the Orioles are playing the Red Sox or the Yankees, you can most likely walk up to the ticket booth (just like in old timey times) and pay cash for good seats ON THE SPOT. Weird. I think our tickets were $13 a piece.

This guy was all about his nuts. I seem to remember him incredulous that I took his picture.

Catching two random dudes sharing a high-five. Is that a David Wright jersey?

The Orioles might not be the best in the league, but Camden Yards rocks. Butterflies.


Nina Paley said...

You know what else is in Baltimore? Haribo of America, which I just noticed on the back of the Gummi Twin Cherries candy I'm munching on. The candy's made in Hungary, but I guess the US office is in Baltimore. Whee.

anne altman said...
