Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Another One Of My Brilliant Gems Inspired By Dyslexia

The Calm Clam. What a great name for something. I don't know what type of thing would deserve such a clever name, but I've already done half the work. I was typing the word calm, and out came clam. So, calm clam. You know, obviously.

I've googled it, and guess what? Used by only one fella, and to name a photograph of a clam. See? So, this burst of genius also reveals that I'm not only creative, but cutting edge, ahead of the fray.

So, a great name for something right?

Ok, so maybe that the clam is the something that deserves such a clever name that I came up with during a dyslexic moment. The calm clam can mail me a check.


Gemini Prefect said...

Sounds like a relaxed va-jay-jay. Maybe the name for a new tantric exercise? You'll have to work out the details.

Dale said...

I was wondering how I could say something like that and now Gemini Prefect has taught me. But said it first.