Monday, May 14, 2007

Life's Weird

Life's weird. In terms of the fact that the longer you're on this earth, the more time goes by, and the then up go your chances of something weird happening to you. Case in point: Legend George Jones.

Here's George early on in his career in the late 1960's. He sings Milwaukee Here with his new wife Tammy Wynette:

And here is how things turned out for ol' George:

Life isn't weird. It's rough.


sheridanlusk said...

the last time i saw george on tv, i said, 'george, get off my tv'. no, seriously, he is doing pretty good now actually. he has been sober for 10 years or more, he is remarried, his hair looks really good and he actually shows up for his concerts.
it's great to see he turned his life around. hurray for george!

newbluebaby said...

The man got pulled over, wasted, on a lawn mower tractor going to get beer. Personal hero of mine.

Just Dave said...

Life is bound to be weird if you are drinking a quart of whiskey a day.

GETkristiLOVE said...

I always used to laugh at the Tammy Wynette record commercials when they came on the TV because they'd play a clip of her singing "Stand By Your Man" and then follow it up with "Our d-i-v-o-r-c-e became final today."