Saturday, September 29, 2007
Friday, September 28, 2007
What Happened to Jenna Jameson?

Thursday, September 27, 2007
The Great Judy Blume Was Mortified By Mortified!

We Got Mortified!
"Last night George and I went to the Mortified show in NY. We had the BEST time! We laughed until our sides ached. If you live near any of the cities currently producing Mortified shows catch one. (It's not a show for kids.) The audience last night was mainly 20-30 somethings. The couple next to us were married with three kids and having a date night. They loved it just like we did. I mean, we were all adolescents, right? And we all had those moments in our lives.
How I wish I'd kept my teen diaries with my secret code words so if my mother ever got her hands on it she wouldn't have a clue what I was writing about. (Ha!) I even kept a series of rubber bands wrapped around it (it had no lock and key -- it was one of those freebies sent out by insurance companies at Christmas time -- but it did have a hard cover) so I would be able to tell if my mother read it. I'm sure she did though she never admitted it. If you've saved your diaries, poems, songs, stories -- you, too, have a chance to get mortified.
Here are some of the performers who shared their adolescent angst with us last night. Yes, there were also guys in the show but they didn't make it into this pix. Thanks everyone! Thanks, too, to David N. who started the whole thing and invited us to be his guests. Dave, we'll meet up one of these days!
XX Judy
PS Meg, you'd love it!"
Mortified LOVES YOU TOO, JUDY! (and George!) I'll post more when I come down off of this cloud.
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Green Grass
My Blog's a Hot Mess
I tried to re-vamp my blog, but ended up deleting some crap in the process.
The End.
Monday, September 24, 2007
Are You There Judy? It's Me, Anne

Good to Know
- In Iran, women have freedoms.
- The Holocaust: The jury is still out.
- There are no homosexuals in Iran.
Ok, then. Now you can plan your trip to Iran accordingly, people. Incidentally, if you are into gay-free vacations, try Albania.
What Not to Wear

Sunday, September 23, 2007
Truth or Dare
I have played Empty the Bottle, but that's another game.
Saturday, September 22, 2007
Get Some Jerky, Jerks!

Today Was Ordinary: My First Diary
Friday, September 21, 2007
Have I Told You Lately How Much I Love Joy Behar?

- I have a job-type thingie
- I don't have a Tivo doodad
- Elisabeth Hasselbeck makes me want to crawl into the t.v. and punch her in the grill piece.
However, I'm quite enjoying Larry King's interview with Joy Behar on this fine Friday night. (loser) I knew I liked Joy simply for being a brassy, female comic and down-to-earth broad, but after this interview, I realize that now I love her. We'd be great friends. In fact, I'm sure she's reading this right now and agrees. Oh, and she's got a new book out called, "When You Need a Lift." I'd buy it, but I'd rather read it in Barnes and Noble. I'm really in a purging mood and don't need another thing collecting dust on my coffee table. Joy would totally understand.
Did Somebody Say Lurid?

Read "A Lurid Tale From 1857 Is Revived in Granite" by Andy Newman in the New York Times.
Photo by Christian Hansen for the New York Times
Flowery Taxi Cabs

Your Crap
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Picture This
Oh, jazz. Why didn't I stick with you?
For a real howl, check this out, compliments of Teri who found it on Jen's Casual Slack. It is a great way to start the morning. Thanks, guys!
Wicked Good New York Story
"I was on the F train, and this homeless guy was asking for money so he can renew his prescription. He said he's addicted to opiates, and he had irritable bowel syndrome, and if he didn't take his opiates- meaning heroin or whatever- that he had irritable bowel syndrome. He then proceeded to pull down his pants to show the entire subway car that he was wearing a diaper, and I'm pretty sure that he started to go to the bathroom in the diaper on the train. The women next to me were crossing themselves and saying Hail Marys. You could hear a pin drop on the subway train. I've never experienced that. I was alone. It was a great moment."
Read more about Arfin and her new book, Dear Diary, in this Gothamist interview here by Ben Kharakh.
I'll have to get back to you on my best New York story. The mental Rolodex is big. I really should start writing them down, shouldn't I?
Mortified Next Wednesday in NYC
In the mood for more angst? GREAT!
Mortified, Wednesday, September 26, 2007 @ 7 pm
Upstairs at Mo's
Mo Pitkin's House of Satisfaction.
34 Avenue A @ 3rd Street, NY, NY, 10009
Mortified: Hailed a "cultural phenomenon" by Newsweek and celebrated by the likes of This American Life, The Today Show, The Onion AV Club, Esquire, Entertainment Weekly, Daily Candy, and more, Mortified is a comic excavation of teen angst artifacts (journals, letters, poems, lyrics, home movies, stories, and more) as shared by their original authors before total strangers. As the largest and longest-running project of its kind, our grassroots comedy collective has spent years sifting through hundreds of otherwise forgotten notebooks on a mission to celebrate the extraordinary lives of ordinary people. Mortified is co-produced in New York by Anne Altman and Brandy Barber.
The Red Sox Are Simply Testing Me
Let's hope I don't have to put this plan in place. 2007 was supposed to be my year. Get your shit together BoSox.
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Oh, Goodness Gracious
Monday, September 17, 2007
I Don't Want to Disappoint the Eager Web Surfers
OJ Just Wants His Stuff Back, OK?

Oh, and he murdered a few people.
"O.J. was the last person I was expecting to see and when I saw him I was just thinking, 'O.J., how can you be this stupid?'" Fromong told CBS's "The Early Show."
This story is so absurd, I needed people to repeat it to me at least six times yesterday, just to make sure that I was understanding it correctly.
Sunday, September 16, 2007
Doodle Says Go Bills Go
The Buffalo Bills and Doodle are a perfect match. I mean, really: pound for pound, who loves chicken wings more than she? Nobody. Here's hoping the Bills pull off a win today against the Steelers and that Kevin Everett's health continues to improve.
Today the the Red Sox play the Yankees again at Fenway, and the Patriots play the Chargers. I'll be at Professor Thom's for Maximum Masshole Mania. GO SOX.
Saturday, September 15, 2007
Soccer Fans: Not Well in the Dome Piece

Lower Manhattan in 1660
My Interpretation of Last Night's Marathon at Fenway
We're still up 4.5, so let's not panic. Plus, Jason Giambi might sweat to death; temperatures could climb upwards of 64 today in Boston.
Friday, September 14, 2007
He'd Like a More Comfortable Prison, Please
Sort of like the lame line, "Can I get a dollar to get home? Can somebody just gimme a dollar to get myself home?" from the dude in a sportscoat and baseball hat with the gym bag blocking the stairwell of the subway every other evening or so. When you don't oblige, he berates you. "Oh, you can't spare a dollar for a poor guy trying to get home." Tonight a Wall Streeter called him on it, finally. "Stuck again, huh?"
Bosox vs Yanks at Fenway Tonight, Y'all
Phriday Phun
Thursday, September 13, 2007
The First 48
Wow, That's Gross
Kenny Drebsen, King of the Burn
Learn it, live it, watch it, love it, learn it. Kenny's got a degree in burnology.
To the Fine Metro-Area Jewish Community:
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Big Hug or Swift Punch in the Bean Bag?
It's Not "Wendsday"
Connecticut: Connect!-I- cut!
assume: To assume, is to make an ass out of u and me.
restaurant: People rant about that restau-rant.
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Clam Recipe of the Day: Linguine with Clams

Save the Date and Share the Shame!

I Love Wes Clark
I stumbled across Wes Clark's blog, Avocado Memories one evening while I was no doubt googling something vintage, and I'm so glad I did. Not only is Wes hilarious and full of clever descriptions and stories about growing up in Burbank, but the pictures he's linked to his site are fantastic. They're of amazing quality and Wes clearly went to a lot of trouble to scan, organize and explain them just so. He's also got a few other blogs, so check out Mr. Clark's stuff. He's awesome. So was his dad, apparently:
Who Doesn't Love an American? Mall?
Today is September 11
Monday, September 10, 2007
Corey Manages to Take All the Sexy out of SexyBack
Is it because he's Canadian? How long does his lesson take until you smash your face into your keyboard? I made it until 19:02.
How to Dance at a Rage
"Flappa hounda" = "pat the dog" in Swedish