Tuesday, January 27, 2009

How's Your News: Debuts February 8 on MTV

How's Your News:

Before we tell you about our background we’d like to answer one of the most frequently asked questions about “How’s Your News?”

This question is: “Has anyone ever found this material offensive?”

The short, simple answer is: no.

We fully understand why people would express concern upon hearing the concept behind HYN, but we’d hope anyone with such concerns would take a look at the films we’ve made and get to know the background of this project. All of our reporters, and their families, are very proud of this project. The disability community has widely embraced this project, often using our films for training or inspirational purposes. Far from being offensive, they provide a positive, empowering view of life with a disability. That’s our opinion. Please watch our films and let us know what YOU think!

And now, the background: How’s Your News first began over ten years ago at a summer camp for adults with disabilities in Massachusetts. We were working in video class and searching for a format which could include as many people, with as wide an array of disabilities, as possible. So we began making our own news shows.

How's Your News? This is going to be terrific.


Lucas Held said...

i LOVE hows your news!

anne altman said...

it's brilliant

Some Guy said...

I was so happy to see this! I saw the documentary by the same name and absolutely loved it. If you haven't seen it, check it out.