Tuesday, December 19, 2006

2006's Eeewwww-iest Christmas Card Ever

Let's say that you're a big deal in the media business. Not on t.v., but behind the scenes, in advertising, where the real money is made in mega base salaries and ridiculous bonuses. You're well-respected in the field, a leader in the industry. Let's say you're so loaded that you can afford to take your family to exotic places for Christmas or Chanuka or whatevs.

Let's say that all of this is so.

Does then your holiday card feature a photo of a shirtless you flanked by your two kids in an enormous vanishing-edge pool in the tropics? With your chest bare and your fur wet and matted down? And this is your card? That you send to your clients and vendors and people with whom you work? So that it gets tacked up on their bulletin boards along with the Santa and Christmas Tree and Snowmen and Dreidel and Joy to the World cards? So that everytime I walk by it I want to barf? Because I never cared to know your chest hair pattern? And you're gross?

Ok. Thanks. Bye.

I don't know who is was, perhaps your wife (who is not pictured) did not think this one through. And thankfully she didn't, so that we have an official Eeewwwwiest Christmas Card Ever for 2006.


Fargrave said...

OK, now you need to get a picture of the card, although your description was great, especially the part about the feet and the "pattern." Nice.

matt said...

Did you just describe David Hasselhoff's Christmas card?


Moderator said...

Glad you got it!