Thursday, December 07, 2006

Origami Style Paper Fortune Teller

When I was in elementary school, this paper fortune teller dilly-o was quite a popular--and accurate--way for us girls to have our futures revealed. Decide your future today by making one here.

This tradition died out in Junior High and was replaced by the Paper Football Note Folding technique in which a poor "pass" --or flick, rather-- could result in an interception by the teacher and tremendous embarrassment for the quarterback should she decide to read the football in class. Reputation: ruined.


Just Dave said...

Accurate, eh? So you are telling us that your fortune from this thingy told you that you would move to New York, have a cat named Doodle and work for a legal dwarf in the Empire State Building. That's amazing.

anne altman said...

an illegal Little Person of Mexico, actually, so it wasn't entirely accurate.