Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Justine Lai: Just Painting What Everybody's Thinking
A Winey Cheesy Gem: Casellula
The dear, dear friends I was scheduled to see Les Paul with last night (hope you're making a speedy recovery, Les) surprised me with a tremendous belated birthday dinner at the cozy cheese and wine cafe, Casellula. I rarely say good things about anything, and yet here I can't say enough good things about this place--the atmosphere, the service, the food and wine--everything was simply splendid. I'm completely serious! Can you imagine? Me! Saying something like that!
Mustard Miso Pickles (amazing! pickled green beans and carrots and onions. fantastic.)
Stuffed Peppadew Peppers / Buffalo Mozzarella / Speck (good, I've had better)
Chistorras in a Blanket / Radish Pico de Gringo (I liked the radish garnish a lot)
Crème Fraiche White Anchovy / Fennel / Pickled Shallots (outstanding, could have had ten)
So, naturally, I hesistate to share a jewel like Casellula with folks in a forum as public and "popular" as my blog, because I dislike most people, I hate all crowds, and I think crowds of people generally ruin everything for me. However, in the new economy, I'd like to give a restaurant I love a fighting chance of survival, and Casellula has captured my big black heart. Who else would like to take me there? Great! See you soon.
See Anne Live at The Back Room This Friday, April 3
The Back Room at Ochi's Lounge
Featuring hilarity (and in my case, stupidity) from:
Jenny Rubin!
Robert Keller!
Dave Rubin!
Leah Dubie!
Leibya Rogers!
Paul Case!
Shawn Hollenbach!
& yours truly,
Anne Altman!
Here are pics from the Back Room from 3/21/09!

See you there!
I like to yell sometimes!
Monday, March 30, 2009
Is Anyone Else Bummed That Julia Roberts is "Back?"
Save the Date for Mortified NYC on May 20: New Venue, New Time!
Advance reservations suggested--tickets on sale now here!
Hailed a "cultural phenomenon" by Newsweek and celebrated by the likes of This American Life, The Today Show, The Onion AV Club, Esquire, Entertainment Weekly, Daily Candy, and more, Mortified is a comic excavation of teen angst artifacts (journals, letters, poems, lyrics, home movies, stories, and more) as shared by their original authors before total strangers. As the largest and longest running project of its kind, our grassroots comedy collective has spent years sifting through hundreds of otherwise forgotten notebooks on a mission to celebrate the extraordinary lives of ordinary people. Mortified is produced in New York by Anne Altman and Julia Wright. www.getmortified.com
Anne Finally Gets Her Sh*t Together to See Les Paul Tonight

Seriously, it's taken me years to drag my fat ass to simply perform a few strokes on a keyboard and plunk down a few bucks with the purpose of seeing a legend, one who is entering his 95th year on the planet, and
And I received the following email this morning:
"Les Paul will not be performing tonight due to illness; world class guitarist Larry Coryell will be sitting in for him with the Les Paul Trio as his backing band. Your tickets for Les Paul will be refunded, but we encourage you to purchase tickets to see Larry Coryell ($25 with a $15 food/beverage minimum). Hope to see you tonight!"
Get well soon, Les.
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Who Was Just Shopping in Walgreens Enjoying the Hits?
Debby Boone, You Light Up My Life, 1977
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Thursday, March 19, 2009
A Thought
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Any Publicity is Good Publicity. Right, Hos?

Men's Bathroom, far right stall wall, 3/18/09
A colleague of mine who happened to be taking a D in the last stall (that's generally the dumping stall of choice for both sexes it seems) got his phone out (not un-gross, but it was an emergency) to text Greenberg, "Did you write that Anne is a whore in the men's bathroom?" He hadn't.
Me? Are you sure? Really?
So of course, Greenberg and I immediately ran down the hall with my camera so Greenberg could document the flattery, and I could post it here. I'm slightly insulted that they left the "e" off of Anne (could they be referring to some other whore?). Other than that, I'm proud to be celebrated, you know, and on someone's mind while they were doing a doody at work, I guess.
The fact that the scribble is in decidedly "girly" handwriting (ye olde circle instead of a dot over the i) and I work in an a "professional" office--not a Junior High School--makes it all the more puzzling, but I never said I didn't work among lunatics, folks. No shortage of lunatics here. We may have a surplus.
I'd write more, but I've got some whoring to catch up on, you know. Gotta bone up on boning some dudes and whatnot. I've got a repuation to uphold, afterall!
Yo, I Saw Rocky the Other Night
... How's the turtle food this
... Fine.
Me, I'm kinda aggravated.
... I'm sorry.
Ain't your fault - Here's the
Adrian nods... Though charmed, she is slightly intimidated.
The last food I got here had
more moths than flies -- An'
the moths get caught in my
turtle's throat -- That makes
them cough --
The OWNER, a squat woman of forty, steps out of the back and
waves at Rocky.
Yo, Gloria -- I was talkin'
about the turtle food -- Like
I was sayin', the moths get
caught in the turtle's throat
an' makes 'em cough...
A little cough an' I gotta
smack 'em on the shell -- An'
whatta think they get?
Adrian shrugs.
I smack 'em hard on the shell
an' they get... What?
... I don't know.
Both the Owner and Adrian smile.
Startin' with the bad jokes
early today, huh.
Inventin' jokes ain't easy.
Awww, Rock. Tell me about it.
Lucas Held and I See Dead People

You're not going to believe this, but there actually was a time in my life, a very dark time, when I believed I was the only one who finds herself studying random folks on the subway wondering what they'd look like without skin and hair. And then I met Lucas Held. So take heart, folks, because none of us are alone; it takes a village to destroy everyone who sucks.
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Look, You Don't Love This Because You're Gay
Now pull yourself together, sad sack! Quick! Now! Before your mother sees you! You're embarrassing! God! Such an a-hole.
For My Sis Whipcreamy --and Those Who Think They Can Dig It 2
The Teletubbies, "Shake That Ass, Bitch" Remix-i-Doodle
Monday, March 16, 2009
Annes Opinion on the 2009 Lenten Leg Wax for Springtime Fun Fashions & Jesus
Get Well Soon, Totonno's o' Coney Island

I Feel a Little Like This Today
Doodle Will Learn Yous How to Chill, Yo
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Love Will Turn You Around or It Won't
Kenny Rogers, "Love Will Turn You Around", 1982
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Friday, March 13, 2009
See Anne Live: Tonight at Casual Fridays with Katina & Brandy
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
*Kinda: I'm no football analyst, but in my opinion, the Bills + TO = TO + the same crappy QB.
Now's Not the Best Time for This
doodle took a pee tonight for some reason at the end of the pee, decided to reposition herself to shoot the last of the stream against the wall. then she jumped down off the toilet and ran away. as she would.
it appeared she got confused with her pee squat and her poop hover and she probably had to pee and poop at the same time and just freaked out.
so i said, 'goddamnit, doodle" and i went and got the cleanser and 7 paper towels for the pee that missed the toilet and threw the wads into the toilet.
doodle came back in a few minutes to take a proper poop, took a proper poop, they all landed in the toilet on top of the paper towels, and i waited for her to jump off and run away so i flush the toilet.
the toilet overflowed and now there is a ton of water and ton of doodies swimming all over the floor.
and now i need 75 paper towels, 3 real towels, and someone who is willing to pick up 6.5 cat turds floating across the tile for $20.
it's almost midnight, i just got home, and you know how i'm solving this problem?
by shutting the bathroom door behind me.
can't deal with that right now.
not now.
Monday, March 09, 2009
I'm No Angel Because I Love This Song
And this video? Forget about it. I'm all over it. He dies in the end, yo. But he doesn't. He's like Jesus, man. Or a zombie. Viva Post Hep C Gregg Allman! The Allman Brothers are live at the Beacon through March 28. And when was the last time you saw Jesus or a zombie live at the Beacon? Exactly. See you there.
Wednesday, March 04, 2009
See Anne Live in Real Tales of College on March 11
I'm thrilled to announce I'll be spinning a yarn--a Real Tale of College--at the Real Tales of College Storytelling Show! It's fun, recession-friendly entertainment with no cover; just get a drinky doodle! You know you want to. I'll show you how.
March 11, 2009~ 7:30pm.
Ochi's Lounge @ Comix
353 W 14th St (at 9th Ave, basement of Comix)
Subway: A, C, E to 14th St; L to 8th Avenue
New Emergencies in the New Economy
According to the 911 transcript, Latreasa Goodman said,
"The manager just took my money and won't give me my money back, trying to make me get something off the menu that I don't want. I ordered chicken nuggets. They don't have chicken nuggets, and so I told her, 'Just give me my money back,' and she tells me I have to pick something else off the menu. She is not going to give me my money back, and she don't have the right to take my money."
"This is an emergency. If I would have known they didn't have McNuggets, I wouldn't have given my money, and now she wants to give me a McDouble, but I don't want one. This is an emergency."
Tuesday, March 03, 2009
Two Canned Heat
I spent a large part of my day trying and re-trying the combination of a padlock I was told repeatedly was 350---turns out someone gave me the wrong information and the combination was actually 530. Dyslexia kills, folks. It kills. Well, it killed a day and a large part of my spirit, but that's not your problem.
Let's settle down with a little Canned Heat, shall we?
Let's Work Together, Canned Heat. Live 1/3/70.
365(6) by Anya Garrett

Spring Break Alternative to Mexico's Bloody Beaches

The Tribble's right off Highway 61. Sure, it's not on the beach and it's missing the excitement of possible kidnapping and gunfire, but it's got 16 air-conditioned units with tile baths and showers.
Monday, March 02, 2009
The Waldorf Astoria: A Good Bathroom to Do Coke or Kill Yourself In

Recession-Friendly Entertainment in the New Economy: TheSet NYC

theSetNYC @ the Time Out New York Lounge, 340 West 50th Street, 2/25/09

You see that sign? It says Reserved.

Scout Durwood and Kai Raziq, co-hosts. Both gorgeous, no? Scout and Kai can be stalked at http://www.scoutdurwood.com/, and myspace / aladdin145, respectively.

J. Cabrera sang an infectious "I Used to Love You." Check him out at myspace /jcabreramusic.

Rachel's Last Resort. Rachel, an irreverent singer/songwriter, cracked me up with breakup songs on her mandolin. "I haven't left the house today; I'm eating frosting straight from the tub and wine straight from the bottle..." Oh, Rachel. How do you know my life? Check her out on myspace / thisisrachelslastresort.

6'7" Rapper GoodBrother threw me for a loop with his sensitive rhymes, including "I Cry Sometimes." and another, "Woman," where he gave props to us ladies: Wonderful, Outstanding, Mature, Aware, and Necessary. Amen, GoodBrother. Check him out at myspace / musayasin.

The gorgeous Scout Durwood, comedian and actress from Kansas City. "People at comedy shows generally cheer from where they're from. I'm from Kansas. No one chants." Redwine sang to me a sexy version of "Take it Slow" and "I'm Ready" and "I Just Can't Stop." At least he was looking at me when he was singing. What kind of face do you make when someone is singing sexy songs to you? I don't know, but I think I made the wrong ones. Redwine can be found on myspace / redwinecom.

Kai demanding to see Redwine's driver's license and surprise! His name is actually Redwine. Redwine tells me its Native American. Love it!

Evon Campbell, a comedian from Brooklyn, made me laugh with his material about "time release crackers" and nude beaches. He can be found at myspace/evoncampbell.

Kama Linden, singer/songwriter and musician, sang her heart out about being "Better Late than Never" and "Uninhibited." Word, Kama. Word.

Kai Raziq, Scout Durwood and Redwine close the show.
TheSet NYC is as Recession '09 friendly as it gets because its free, free, that's right, a FREE, evening of up-and-coming nentertainment just blocks from Times Square in the heart of the most amazing city in the world. Visit thesetnyc.com for more information on being a part of or seeing their next showcase. Special thanks to producer Pim for having me; I'll be back!
You Call This Snow?
Sunday, March 01, 2009
We're All Just Rollin' and Tumblin'
The late, great, R.L. Burnside with "Rollin' and Tumblin'", Live
Doodle Porn
Doodle Eats!
This is a rare and unique phenomenon which happens approximately twice a year, and only when Doodle arrives at her country house after a 7-hour commute from her city house, and it's time for dinner. You'll notice nothing comes between Doodle and paradise-on-a-plate: Chicken Clumps n' Gravy--not her annoying human companion, her annoying human companion's mother, her annoying human companion's sister on the answering machine, a flushing toilet, her ridiculous whiskers--not even her Calvins.*Volume up for all of the meow meow num num nummy goodness. Enjoy!
PS If you love this, give it a 5 star YouTube rating; Doodle wants to become as virus-y famous as Kittens Inspired by Kittens, and won't settle for less. Meowwwnum num num nummm. Num.