Monday, October 30, 2006

Happy Daylight Savings

Moonlight in the Adirondacks, Rockwell Kent, c. 1960

Did you all enjoy your extra hour of sleep on Sunday? Anyone misjudge the time because you forgot to change that microwave clock? I'm not a huge fan of the procedure, though I do like the extra hour. (and Spring Forward really bites). I prefer it to be dark in the morning rather than dark in the evening. When the sun goes down before 5 p.m., it seems like ten p.m. and I don't feel like doing a damn thing.


mist1 said...

All my clocks say 12:00 12:00 12:00 12:00...

Teri said...

I hate "falling back" as well. the dark makes me feel like a slug.

Just Dave said...

The whole freakin' concept is so obsolete. What-are we giving the farmers an extra hour of daylight to NOT grow anything as we are paying them to do? And what the hell does Las Vegas need an extra hour of daylight for when everyone is panting, "Get dark, for chrissake" as it is?

Sloth said...

We here in the southern hemisphere just had our "spring forward" and we all seem to be jet lagged for it.
And the extra hour of sunshine is good for sport. Exercise people, it is easier to do when you can see the ball you have to catch.

Just Dave said...

Go inside and exercise. There's all the light you want without the skin cancer.

Sloth said...

But the Vitamin D, what about the Vitamin D?