Friday, October 20, 2006

Meet the Mets. In Spring Training.

Oh, man. What an exciting and painful, painful way to lose to the Cardinals last night. To quote Doodle, "This will go down as one of the worst losses in Mets history." And here I thought the ugliest thing about Beltran was that bulbous brown wart mole thing between his right ear and his face. Bases are loaded, and you need two runs to tie, three to win in game 7 of the NLCS? You gotta swing the bat, Carlos! Poor guy freaked out. It happens. Hey. That's baseball. Someone's gotta win, someone's gotta lose. I was feeling for those Met fans last night, I tell you what. We Sox fans had a moment like that back in '86. Ahem. I'm just bummed I have to look at Spiezio's friggin' stupid facial hair strip for awhile longer.

Go, Tigers!!!


Peter said...

It was indeed painful, painful. Beltran looked like a deer in the headlights at that last at bat.

Doodle-I find your capacity to sympathize with the Mets, being a rabid Sox fan and all, an admirable thing.

Lauren K said...

Go, Tigers. Sigh.

Just Dave said...

I sympathize with is Ebby Chavez. Hall of Fame catch and double play throw was for nought. Should be an interesting series.

Moderator said...

My facial hair is exactly like Scott Spezio's. Thanks.