Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Sure, Tax Fraud is Appealing, Wesley

But it's got loads of embarrassing risk associated with it. Wesley, Wesley, Wesley. Yes, work bites. And "free" money is easier. But couldn't you have done some embarrassing overseas commercials instead?

P.S. Nice armpit


la nadine said...

if you squint real i hard i think you can just make out 'the tax man' in the reflection of his glasses, shaking his index finger and tsk-tsking at wesley with disappointed vigour.

Just Dave said...

If Wesley thought dealing with evil vampires was tough, just wait until he tangles with the IRS. Garlic and crosses simply have no effect.

matt said...

Passenger 57 always bets on black. Just look where that got him.

Del-V said...

The IRS always gets paid. He should just pay up and hope they don't throw him in jail.