Wednesday, February 17, 2010

October Country

I got out last night to see a documentary I read about in the Village Voice called October Country. I had to see it for so many reasons:

  1. I love a documentary

  2. October is my favorite month

  3. October Country is about the Mohawk Valley in Central New York State, which is where I went to college. I've got a huge heart for that place.

  4. The film is about real Americans really struggling. It's tagline? "Every family has its ghosts." Word.

  5. The flick has a limited February 12-17 run in Manhattan

  6. I've got a limited run on a social life which doesn't include spitup and Elmo

October Country is honest, depressing, beautiful, and though sad and bordering on pathetic as hell, it is often very funny and offers a tiny glimmer of hope. Here's a review in the New York Times by By A. O. Scott.

October Country. Directed by Michael Palmieri and Donal Mosher; director of photography, Mr. Palmieri; produced and edited by Mr. Palmieri; music by Danny Grody, Mr. Mosher, Mr. Palmieri and Kenric Taylor; released by Wishbone Films and Film Circuit International. At the IFC Center, 323 Avenue of the Americas, at Third Street, Greenwich Village. Running time: 1 hour 20 minutes.


Some Guy said...

Thanks for the heads up, Anne!

anne altman said...

YOu'd love it, Some Guy.

anne altman said...

PS October Country will be on "At the Movies" on Feb 24