Schneider was the loveable maintenance man with the smokes wrapped up in his undershirt sleeve in One DayAt a Time, I believe.
What was the show with the news caster from the Mary Tyler Moore show -- Ted Knight? -- who did a show in the early 80s where he was a crotchedy cartoonist who lived upstairs and his daughters lived downstairs one blonde and one brunette or they lived downstairs and he lived upstairs? And now he's dead?
Oh, and he used to wear college sweatshirts all the time?
What's the name of that show?
"Too Close For Comfort" ...I think the only reason I paid attention to that one wuz 'cause it was about a cartoonist.
He drew with a FUCKING PUPPET ON HIS HAND. Seriously... WTF???
I draw with an oven mitt.
he was a show-off.
and MONROE!!!!!!
eeeeeeeew i KNEW there was an annoying gay in that show!
Did JM J Bullock ever find out who stole his "I"?
The Cosmic Cow rules!
What about that show "Sidney"? It was similiar and lasted for like three episodes when I was four or something. There was some Jack Klugman-looking dude in it.
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