I was listening to This American Life this afternoon while attempting to clean my bathroom, which is no easy feat, not because it's an over-sized bathroom, but because I hate cleaning. Anyway, there was a writer on the show who writes for HBO's new series, Lucky Louie, and I can't remember her name. Probably because I was yelling at the paper towels for being on the floor, when I was high atop the tub, having already sprayed the windows and then had nothing to wipe them with.
However, I can remember the three jokes this woman told, because she was discussing how annoying it is when people say, "Oh, you're a comedy writer? Tell us a joke." Word, word. So good to hear others get as annoyed as I do with that garbage. Her favorite joke to tell in that situation is:
Q: What did the snail on the turtle's back say?
A: Wheeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!
Because then people are left like, "What? I don't get it. That's not very funny." And she can be like, "Yeah, well serves you right for opening your piehole." Or whatever she said, because again, I was yelling at something, this time probably a smudge on the window which refused to be erased or perhaps it was yelling at dirt in general.
Her other two favorites are pedophilia jokes, which never seem to go down well with a crowd of people who don't know each other very well, but I gotta say, I don't know her, and I thought they were hilarious.
Q: What did the Jewish pedophile say to his victims?
A: "Take it easy on the candy, kids!"
A pedophile led two children into the middle of the woods on a dark and stormy night. The kids said, "We're scared!" and the pedophile replied, "Oh yeah? Well, how do you think I feel? I gotta walk outta here alone!"
Is this cleaning binge somehow related to the mouse incident? Did it just feel all mousy in there?
ugh, it's felt mousy in here for years.
anne's gotta change some shit around, and the house seems like a good place to start.
Did you dump 9 things today while cleaning? I feel it helps brighten the day!!
oh and nasty ped jokes...
What's the toughest part about being a pedophile?
Getting the stains out of the clown suit.
...I'm SO going straight to hell.
I laughed at all the wrong/right spots. See y'all in hell.
Why is being with a 10 year old girl so great?
Your penis looks so big in her hand.
I want the window seat Chris.
i easily threw out 99 things today.
alright, maybe only 29. but still. it felt like 99.
The snail joke actually made me laugh, once I got it.
Wow. I have NEVER heard any good pedophile jokes. Now I have two! I'm gonna be Don Rickles at this Fourth of July barbecue.
What do gay horses eat?
Haaaay. (like the greeting?)
Get it?
I suck.
As a parent, I should not have laughed. And yet, I still am.
What's the best thing about a nine year old girl?
Flip her over and it's a nine year old boy.
When you guys get to hell- hit me on my mobile. I'll walk you in through the kitchen and you can sit in VIP with me.
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