Friday, November 03, 2006

I Miss Miss Doodle, Don't You?

Yes, working 8-6 yesterday put a major dent in my quality time with Doodle. I didn't even have time to post any photographs of her, so I went back into the archives for a personal favorite. After 6 today, I'm out of the stock trading floor assistance business forever. Sure, the money's good, if you consider the money to be made an hour clerking at a retail boutique like Borders is good money. Is it better than nothing? Sure! But why do they keep it as cold as a refrigerated meat truck in here? It's less than 40 degrees out, goddamnit.


Creepy said...

She is probably thrilled to death you are out of the house, and not torturing her for 9 hours!

anne altman said...


although she is getting more sleep, probably. . .

Teri said...

I think she misses you. she got used to you being around and annoying so much.

Just Dave said...

Why do they keep it cold? Because bankers/stock brokers, etc have the libido of 14 year old boys, Read The Happy Hooker. They want to see headlights, baby.

So now Doodle has a Peter Fonda imitation going. Cool.