Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Sure, I'm Watching Iron Maiden "Live After Death" in Long Beach Arena 1985

But I'm also watching Cooking with Wade! My dear fellow New Englander Adam Wade is from New Hampshire, and you can hear it. Nobody adds "r"s where there aren't "r"s (and drops 'em when they are there) like Wade. In this episode, Adam teaches us how to make his Aunt Arety's iced coffee--featuring original vintage footage of his Aunt Arety and his Yaya--and doesn't skimp on the secrets to making it great. Enjoy! Make yourself an iced coffee and run to the hills!


Anonymous said...

they broke the mold when they made anne altman.

anne altman said...

adam wade everybody!


Sans Pantaloons said...

Yay Adam! Yay Anne!