Monday, March 16, 2009

Doodle Will Learn Yous How to Chill, Yo

Doodle, NYC ~March 15, 2009
If there was any doubt that Doodle loves a plug-in heated donut bed, or that the 7lb terrorist actually knows how to chill out sometimes--here's evidence. After some sweet talking and a sprinkle of catnip to make the bed new again (she was bored with it for awhile and getting in my grill too much) here she is purring and kneading the crap out of the side of the thing. I can't explain why she wears the ridiculous stripey outfit everyday, that's her deal.


Sans Pantaloons said...

Donut envy.

anne altman said...


everyone can go back in time to momma's boob with the right mindset (and the right equipment)

Anonymous said...

So THAT's why she wouldn't take my call..!