Monday, May 01, 2006

After-the-Fact Stalker Gawker

NYC, what a town, what a town! Buzzing with celebrities everywhere I go.

Governor Jon Corzine, @ Starbucks on 36th and Madison with an aide last Sunday, April 22. I'd say he was sipping a latte, but he wasn't drinking anything, just using the place to do some work on a pilot program allowing for self-service gas stations in New Jersey for the first time since 1949. Or so I assume. I was the only one in the store who knew who the hell he was. The barristas were like, "Huh? He ain't even order nothin." He's trying to save New Jersey money, ayite?

Mr. Julia Roberts , @ Madison and 19th Street, running like a little fairy uptown on Saturday, April 29. His location was not surprising, since Julia has had an apartment on Gramercy Park for over a decade. This midget sperm donor must have been on his way to a very important camera man meeting. His career is on fire!

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