Monday, May 01, 2006

Put Your Bump Away

What's with all the press on pregnant celebrities? And who coined the term "baby bump?"

I say: Gross.

Because you let some guy doink you, I have to see the result?

Newsflash: You're not the first woman ever to become pregnant. Believe it. And now women have these websites devoted to the progress of their bumps. Um, get over yourself?

Whenever I see a pregnant woman, I giggle. "She had sex a few months ago...tee hee...Gross."

And sometimes, I think "Ewww, someone had sex with her? Gross."

But always I think, "Everyone knows you had sex recently. Aren't you embarrassed?"

Call me weird, call me bitter, call me a prude, I don't care.


Sharon Shiner said...

Believe me, I've had 2 bumps, (which really means I've had 4 if you include my ass becoming an even bigger bump than it normally is), and there's no way in hell I would have worn a shirt like that. Why call attention to the obvious....that I've become a Weeble in the span of about 4 months.

Valerie said...

OMGGGGGG, stooooooop it! I can't breathe!!!! LOL

newbluebaby said...

My lovely lady bumps... check it out.

Elizabeth said...

have you seen the shirts "yes it's a baby. no, you can't touch." yes, because you got yourself preggers and now you have a bump on which you can rest your arms, you think all strangers what to touch your stomach? well, we don't.

anne altman said...

how about those shirts 'no, it's not a baby, and yes, you can touch'

would people still want to touch?

what was wrong with the old "baby" with an arrow sticking downward like the old "i'm with stupid" with the arrow pointing to the right?

cdkscully said...

Did you see this on their webpage. Donating to their children's college funds!