Monday, June 12, 2006

Good Morning and Who Wants a Punch In the Face?

I've got to stop listening to the NPR and the BBC radio in the morning before I go to work. It's full of real news, all of it bad, and it's bumming me out. Sometimes I fall back asleep after the alarm goes off and the radio is still on, and I integrate these news stories into my dreams which then become nightmares. Before I know it, I'm going to be as grey as "President" Bush, and that won't do. I shouldn't have to bear the ill-effects of ruining the world if I don't get a hand in it myself.

Tomorrow morning I'm listening to digital cable Music Choice music. I'm going with the 1970s. Life was good for me in the 1970's.

1 comment:

Berry said...

LOL LOL!!!! Omigod... I'm almost pee'ing myself here.... LOL.... I misread your post and thought it said something about Bush listening to the news!! LOL LOL Can you imagine??!! LOL .... he'd know about current events!! LOL LOL