Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Name Dropper

Giulia Rozzi, Anne Altman, Carolyn Castiglia

Hey people. Just got home from a lovely evening of ha-has, brought to me by Minty Fresh Comedy at Mo Pitkin's House of Satisfaction featuring Shawn Hollenbach, Laura Mannino, Carolyn Castiglia, and Giulia Rozzi. The shit was funny. They covered crap holes, dykes, midgets--sweet sets all around. Oh, and there were a few more peeps who performed, but their names escape me. Not because they were bad, but because, well, I'm not so good with names. So shove it. There was also some drinking and some sushi that happened. Plus, Anne took a bus tonight, and that's a big deal. If I'm going to pay to travel more slowly than foot traffic, I'm going to have to leave myself plenty of time, really put my mind to it, get stoned even, and bring something to read. Check infinity.

I dragged out a few civilians to the show; they have highly droppable names as well, but in the interest of "Maybe they don't want their names dropped" I'm not going to do it. I'm just that kind of person. Upstanding. Respectful. Yeah, that kind. Let's just say that someone is a highly sought after graphic designer to the stars, and the other one is highly connected to the band m.o.e. Ok? Let's just keep it there. The stage whores don't mind promotion, however. In fact, Shawn was begging someone to blog about him. Consider yourself blogged, Mr. Hollenbach. XOXO

Ms. Giulia

Anne and V.I.P. Crowd

There are more shots like these including ones of Laura Mannino and blogged-about Shawn Hollenbach, but Blogger is being a prick, so there's nothing I can do but say goodnight for now.


newbluebaby said...

What, No Whipple Spaulding Newell the 3rd in your entourage? How very D-list.

Valerie said...


Elizabeth said...

where's your girlfriend in these pictures?

Carolyn said...

Her girlfriend is the one in the blue track suit. HOT.

Unknown said...

Damn..looks like ALOT of fun..I am jealous.

Shawn Hollenbach said...

I feel loved! Thank you! Now I can sleep! Love Shawn!