Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Quiz on the Kindness of Strangers

I dragged a 70-pound suitcase to and from Williamsburg, up and down the stair,s and on and off the L train yesterday. How many people offered to help me?




Time's up.

And the answer is:

Not one person asked me if I needed help.

Not one person! And I needed help!

I still would have said no, probably, but to be asked would have been nice.

Stupid quiz, I know.

People are a-holes.


Carolyn said...

That's so funny because New York just got ranked as the most polite city in the world!

Next time try putting a baby in your suitcase. Works for me.

Ike said...

That sucks ass. I always help a woman when I can, or at least I offer. I never want you to feel like you can't do it. I just want to be a "gentleman". But, alas, chivalry is slowly fading away these days.

Dale said...

I would have offered. I think.

newbluebaby said...

I would have helped but I was chuckling too much watching you drag it up the stairs.

Unknown said...

I get offers of help all the time..its probably that retarded look on my face..they think I am handicapped or something.

hey..it works for me.

Valerie said...

Do you need some help?

Chris Battle said...


Welcome to the big city, Dorothy.

@alyssa ettinger said...

anne, you should have seen how many people helped me when i was walking with crutches with a busted leg. NONE. welcome to new york.

KleoPatra said...



anne altman said...

i blame the mothers.

and if the mothers taught their kids but their kids didn't listen, then, well,

fuck em.

all i'm sayin' is that there were a lot of lounging fellows taking up two subway seats whilst i struggled to maintain a huge suitcase and grab the overhead bar which i can't reach.

i do need to get me a fake baby. where does one buy such a decoy?

wait, carolyn has one!

do i get the one that pees or the one that talks. hmmmmm. decisions.

Peter Matthes said...

What was in your 70 pound suitcase Iman?

By any chance, was it 25 different outfits for your photo shoot?