Wednesday, June 14, 2006

That's About the Size Of Things

This morning on my walk to work, I overheard two people discussing a trip overeas. Well, it was more like one woman blabbing about her trip and a man listening with a few occasional "Yeah"s and "Mmm hhhmm"s from thrown in from time to time. She had just finished describing details some quaint European city, somewhere small village in Switzerland I think that had no stoplights and he said,

"Wow. That's about the size of Greenwich."



For those of you who don't know, the world revolves around Greenwich, Connecticut. As the richest city in the richest state in the entire union, the masses can relate to it on all levels. It should be no surprise that it's an actual unit of measurement.


matt said...

Why don't they have orgies in Greenwich?

The wives don't want to write that many thank-you notes.

Unknown said...

If you live on the Left Coast..Greenwich aint shit girl..

We have our own "greenwich" here..its just about the same..only more self-absorbed.

newbluebaby said...

Broom Hilda was a green witch.

anne altman said...

oh yeah? well, you're colder than a witch's tit.