Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Wit AND Art

This image is from the Gallery of the Absurd, which is the opposite of absurd, because it's FANTASTIC!

It's only updated weekly because this very talented woman who creates these things needs a little time to crank 'em out. This one of Renee Zellweger is one of my favorites, but they're all good. Is it mean that the artist is ragging on that stupid face Renee makes all the time? Sure. But maybe it's mean to us that she makes that face, and perhaps she should stop. You know?


barista brat said...

that is hilarious!

Carolyn said...

That is the best thing I have ever seen.

Now I want an illustration of Angelina Jolie with a beehive on her lips.

Elizabeth said...

renee was married to a very skinny, very gay country singer. shouldn't we cut her some slack? i mean, she went to that from jack white. talk about throwing your standards out the window.