Thursday, November 09, 2006

If You Live Outside of Florida There's No Need to Eat Domino's

As if we needed another reason not to eat Domino's pizza--their founder is some creepy born again Anti-Choice* a-hole--now Domino's has a new pizza flavor: Brooklyn-Style.



The New York Times has a great article comparing this crap to Totonnos in Coney Island, Brooklyn. I've been to this place. I went in March to watch one of my friends swim in the Polar Bear Club. This pizza is devine. Plus, you get to sit next to authentic Italians while you eat authentic Italian pizza. This year I'll be back because I'm going to actually swim myself. Or stand there and scream for a minute.

*Dear Anti-Choice men of the world,
Until you start popping kids out of your vaginas, you have no choice in the matter. Let me know when that happens; I may need a surrogate. Thanks. Bye. And you women who are anti-choice? Pull your heads out of your own.


newbluebaby said...

But your nipples will get hard!

anne altman said...

newblue you discussing the state of my nipples makes me uncomfortable

the mere word makes me uncomfortable

Creepy said...

Even though I'm a fella, I have to agree with the 'start popping' rule. What business do men have telling women what to do with their bodies? (Outside of the bedroom, of course.)