Saturday, January 31, 2009
Friday, January 30, 2009
Oh, I Almost Died in My Arms Tonight
Dumped Recently? No Plans For Valentine's Day? Obviously?

- Wednesday, February 11: Mortified's Doomed Valentine's Day Show at Comix hosted by Anne Altman. Featuring hearbreakingly hilarious pathetic teen crap about love from Michael Cyril Creighton, Adam Wade, Caprice Royal, Kyle Supley, Katina Corrao and more!
- Thursday, February 12: Kick My Heart's Ass: Short Films About Love curated by Davy Rothbart
- Saturday, February 14: Valentine’s Day Personal Media Mixer and Confessional Culture Variety Show featuring performances and activities by PostSecret, Found Magazine, Mortified, Six-Word Memoirs, Cassette from my ex, and music by Michael Hearst of One Ring Zero.
Magical Mushrooms, a Morris Minor Traveller, and 4 Moos 4 U
Whitecaps on Caspian Lake.

Moo x4.
October, 2006 ~ Greensboro, Vermont
Fresh Direct's EatingWell Line: Hoppin' John with Vegetarian Chorizo n' Kale
Two thumbs up.
Tonight: Tim and Eric Awesome Show Great Job Live at Nokia!

For those of you lucky enough to have scored a magic ticket, see you tonight!
Ugly Creatures References Two Can Anne
Thursday, January 29, 2009
3 Words Which Always Sound Absurd When Said Together
*More absurd: Mr. Maria Kennedy Shriver.
Anyone Reading This Still Employed?
'Cause it's bad. It's bad you know.
R.L. Burnside, It's Bad You Know.
Do Not Disturb: Hotel Sex Stories by Rachel Kramer Bussel

Anne's Plans

Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Another Night Out for Anne? Sounds About Right

Random Good Stuff: Puchi Puchi Bubble Wrap Toy

So You Say Someone Has Just Called You an Ugly Dumb Retard
And even if it doesn't, let's say it really doesn't. What the hell are you going to do?
Let's just believe it does.
Plus, the person who said that to you probably has ridiculously long and distracting nose hairs. And where's the beauty there? Am I right?

Thanks for the submission, newbluebaby. I'm tearing up over here.
She's Just Not That Into You: Dear Fuckin' Netflix Flick I Don't Feel Like Fuckin' Watching
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Calder Jewelry Exhibit: At the Met Through March 1

Calder in his Paris studio, 14 Rue de la Colonie, fall 1931. Photograph by Marc Vaux
Photo and bio from

Rejected: Tales of the Failed, Dumped and Cancelled ---Book Release Party Tonight
David Wain, David Rees, Mike Albo, Dave Hill, Todd Levin, Odd Todd, Sara Schaefer, Tom McCaffrey, Katina Corrao and more.
How's Your News: Debuts February 8 on MTV

Before we tell you about our background we’d like to answer one of the most frequently asked questions about “How’s Your News?”
This question is: “Has anyone ever found this material offensive?”
The short, simple answer is: no.
We fully understand why people would express concern upon hearing the concept behind HYN, but we’d hope anyone with such concerns would take a look at the films we’ve made and get to know the background of this project. All of our reporters, and their families, are very proud of this project. The disability community has widely embraced this project, often using our films for training or inspirational purposes. Far from being offensive, they provide a positive, empowering view of life with a disability. That’s our opinion. Please watch our films and let us know what YOU think!
And now, the background: How’s Your News first began over ten years ago at a summer camp for adults with disabilities in Massachusetts. We were working in video class and searching for a format which could include as many people, with as wide an array of disabilities, as possible. So we began making our own news shows.
Make Yourself Pretty: Real Hair, Fake Hair Get it Together

Kings Hairstyling, 225 East 14th Street
Royal Wigs, 229 East 14th Street
Beauty Bar, 231 East 14th Street

Walking east along 14th Street between 3rd & 2nd.
Monday, January 26, 2008
Monday, January 26, 2009
Honk if David Caruso Turns You On
Endless Clips of David Caruso on CSI Miami
Vote for Huggles!
Fascinating Insurance Industry Question of the Day
Answer will be provided by close of business today, EST.
Good luck, nerds!
Wasted and Frisky, a Dude Tries to Stick it in Something for Fun
Well, the something happened to be a raccoon who wasn't having that kind of fun so he (or she?) justifiably took a bite out of crime.
Doctor (referencing the possibility of a pecker reconstruction): “That’s gone forever so there isn’t going to be much for them to work with."
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Doritos Flavor Pitch: Last Time to Vote Before the Super Bowl
Survey Says: Selma Hayek Has Great Cans

My latest reluctant grocery shop (my first in 6 months: eating is expensive) on Fresh Direct yesterday included some Doodle food.
Friday, January 23, 2009
RIP, Indian Fridays
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Oh, Like There's No Such Thing As Half - Zippy Sweater Thursdays

Anne's Office ~ NYC~ 1/22/09
A random photographic polling of the men in the office proves that it does.
Texting with Tuna the Fish
"I look so good today--I feel bad for all those people who don't want me."
Jan 22, 11:03 a.m.
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Eight Million Stories' New Feature: Happy Hour with Two Can Anne

Please check out the new NYC webzine and the first installment of Happy Hour with Two Can Anne: One September Night. Viva NYC. Totes.
Jager Bombs? They're SO Bush Administration

There's a new way to get messed up in town. Originally called the "O-Bomb," I officially christened it last night toasting Obama (and roasting his hot mess predecessor).
- The Obama Bomb
- * One shot Stoli Orange
- * Mixed with (or dropped into) equal parts Red Bull and orange juice.
Tastes like Tang. Who doesn't love an orange beverage with a kick of obnoxious?
You're welcome.
Congratulations all around on our 44th President!
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Boystown Chicago Has Spoken: Apparently Today is "Lose Your Bush" Day
A Taxi with a View of a Place with Bagels