Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Bluetooth in Ear Means Finger in Nose

What better way to say "You are unimportant to me," than to wear a Bluetooth earpiece while socializing with others? "In fact, you are so unimportant to me, that your presence here with me now means less to me to me than the prospect of a call from an unknown person." The very sight of these kills me. I can understand it if perhaps one is alone. And solely responsible for the welfare of the world. But just a regular old jerk? With a regular old jerky job? Luckily, I don't have any Bluetoothers in my life at present, but if I did, I would never tolerate it. As long as that thing stays in your ear, my finger stays in my nose. "But I might get a call!" Oh, yeah? Well, I might get a booger.


Jenny Jenny Flannery said...


You know, on the news one night, they were covering a funeral for a local boy who had died in Iraq. They interviewed an uncle of his and he was wearing a godamned BLUETOOTH not only at a funeral, but also as he appears on the news!!


whipcreamy said...

i hate those...i guy who works in the unit nextdoor always comes in to buy soap and wears that BS thing.

Some Guy said...

I, for one, don't need a reason to keep my finger in my nose. It always just seems to find its way there.

Special K said...

We need to start a rumor that wearing them all the time causes your testicles to shrink and your boobs to sag....
Picking your nose, on the other hand, only IMPROVES your dexterity AND cleans your's really a WIN/WIN....