Wednesday, January 28, 2009

She's Just Not That Into You: Dear Fuckin' Netflix Flick I Don't Feel Like Fuckin' Watching

After six months of lying to myself, I'm so returning you for what's up next on my cue. Whatever the fuck that is. 

Honestly? Sure, there's a time when I was all about you and your 1950's black and white appeal of Italian flicks about the effects of war on a small ill-equipped country. 

But then suddenly I just wasn't. 

Wasn't that into you. 

And all the Canadian Club in the world wouldn't allow me to stomach another 1950's black and white italian flick about whatevs. 

You've overstayed your welcome, Fellini. *David Caruso would put on his sunglasses here*
so what do you do if you're me?

you send that shiz back for something new in two days. 

Two days tops. 

BASTA, MISGUIDED NEFLIX PICK; bring on The Dark Crystal!

1 comment:

Del-V said...

Rossellini's post war movies are better. Pisan and Rome, Open City are worth watching. But they aren't as much fun as The Dark Knight...