Sunday, May 03, 2009

Doodle is a Now a 6-Pound Terrorist

Doodle at the Vet, NYC ~ May 2, 2009

Yeah, Doodle's lost a pound over the years since she was at the vet last. Naturally hyperactive and lithe, the doc wasn't too concerned about her weight loss, but I did supplement her diet with some dry kitten food when for she's in the mood.

She made a low growl when her back door temperature was taken (who wouldn't?), was silent during the first shot in her upper arm and made a low hiss after her second shot in the leg. Passed all other tests with flying colors (the vet said her eyes were "perfect!") and we'll get her blood work results shortly to see if we can get those narsty teeth cleaned. 

Doodle expects to spend her 10th birthday in Vermont; let's hope the dental bill isn't outrageous so we can make it happen. I'll post more pics from the visit to the vet shortly; there's never a dull moment in the waiting room. 


Sans Pantaloons said...

Well done Doodle!
Hopefully Vermontus Intacta...

Nina Paley said...

What a pissed off kitty!

anne altman said...

not pissed off, just very very cautious. kept her eye on the door where the staff comes and goes...