Last night after a lengthy happy hour with the work kids, I found myself home and hungry. The only thing in the kitchen was a box of pizza I had forgotten to put back in the refrigerator which had been sitting out on the counter for 17 hours. Not of sound mind and in desperate need of nourishment, I reasoned that if I toasted a piece of room temperature counter pizza in the toaster oven, any bacteria would be baked off and rendered edible. It tasted fine. This morning, I'm not so sure my decision was wise. I fear gastrointestinal violence is imminent and unavoidable.
I shared this story with my colleague this morning:
"Oh, you should be fine. My sister does that all the time."
"Yeah, but she has a stomach of steel."
"But doesn't your sister have Down's Syndrome?"
"Well, yeah, there's that. She also eats worms. She said they taste like chicken."
You will be fine. I know this because when you are dying of swine flu- you get smarter about life's mysteries.
I do not taste like worms!
i've been bed for 24 hours. wouldn't say i'm fine, but i'm coming around.
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